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by Lunar at 4:52 PM EDT on September 25, 2011
Wifi waiting song.
by TheUltimateKoopa at 4:30 PM EDT on September 27, 2011
I'm not talking about this one:

The one I'm referring to is these themes:

The tunes that play on the Wifi menu themes.
When I said "waiting", I meant the screen where you see the globe, and wait for the question marks to come up, not when you're waiting for a race.
by Lunar at 10:24 AM EDT on September 29, 2011
yes. that is the same one i mean (sorry for the confusion, i meant "wifi waiting" in the sense of waiting for people to join a private game.) anyway both of those songs are in the rip i have... it's just the menu one is dynamic, so all the variations aren't separate songs.
by koopatroop at 6:16 AM EST on February 5, 2014
Thanks so much for the wonderful music!
By the way,can somebody record the music from Luigi's Mansion?

Also there's some PAL codes about it:

Background Music Modifier
040053A0 7C0802A6
040053A4 28030000
040053A8 4182000C
040053AC 3C608000
040053B0 6063xxxx
040053B4 48186B0C
0418BEBC 4BE794E4
0418EFEC 60000000
0418F804 4BFFC6B8

xxxx = Song ID

Song IDs
0000 - Disable BGM
0001 - Mario02
0002 - PianistQuiz01
0003 - PianistQuiz02
0004 - PianistQuiz03
0005 - Mario
0006 - OyamaLab
0007 - LuigiSings
0008 - Training
0009 - Mario
000A - Demo_FirstMon
000B - Demo_FirstDoc
000C - OyamaLab
000D - Training
000E - GetKey
000F - Gallery

0010 - OyamaPress
0011 - Total
0012 - GoodNight
0013 - Fishing_Zako
0014 - Fishing_Event
0015 - PictureSays
0016 - Telescope
0017 - DanceHall
0018 - Demo_BabyCries
0019 - Demo_Entrance
001A - Demo_FirstDoc
001B - Demo_FirstMon
001C - DoorLoop
001D - Kinopio
001E - Kinopio_Light
001F - Room_Baby

0020 - Room_Space
0021 - Tittle
0022 - Total_Picture
0023 - Total_Score
0024 - Warp
0025 - Training_Continue
0026 - Training_Result
0027 - Training_Stop
0028 - Select
0029 - BabyRoom
002A - BabyDemo
002B - BabyBattle
002C - BlueOhaka
002D - BlueDemo
002E - BlueBattle
002F - TelesaDemo01

0030 - TelesaDemo02
0031 - TelesaBattle
0032 - BattleClear
0033 - PianistBattle
0034 - Room_AfterBoss
0035 - GetKey_Heart
0036 - OyamaPress_Press
0037 - Ending01
0038 - Ending02
0039 - Ending03
003A - Event_Speak
003B - Event_Game
003C - Event_Speak
003D - GetKey
003E - OyamaCall
003F - OyamaSpeak

0040 - Change_Kabe
0041 - Change_Water
0042 - Change_Mayoi
0043 - StuffRoll
0044 - Demo_GetPicture
0045 - Demo_Lion1_1
0046 - Demo_Lion1_2
0047 - Demo_Lion2
0048 - Demo_Sakasa
0049 - Demo_TeleCheck
004A - Demo_TeleOpen
004B - Telesa
004C - TelesaSpeak
004D - TelesaSpeak2
004E - Light
004F - Light

0050 - KuppaDemo01
0051 - KuppaDemo02
0052 - KuppaBattle
0053 - KuppaDemo03
0054 - Ochi01
0055 - Ochi02
0056 - Ochi03
0057 - HeyHoo
0058 - Demo_Star

Play StuffRoll

(From GSCentral)

edited 6:21 AM EST February 5, 2014
by TheUltimateKoopa at 5:18 PM EST on February 5, 2014
I thought that was already done... by the same person no less.
by koopatroop at 7:24 PM EST on February 5, 2014
Actually,there is a download able music pack with 101 songs.
However most of the songs have noises(Hiss & extra sfx),some songs are lossly and some songs lost some vocie samples.

The Brawl Custom Music hasn't upload them all yet...
There must be the single version...

Please...I have been looking for them for 5 years...

edited 7:27 PM EST February 5, 2014
by TheUltimateKoopa at 10:59 AM EST on February 6, 2014
I'm sure you're aware that Moosehunter IS furry bob, right?
JaiArcS.arc by koopatroop at 8:58 PM EST on February 6, 2014
Does anyone know anything about this file:

GSCentral explain it like tis:

The names of the BGM songs can be found in the 'JaiArcS.arc' file:
80703960: 42415243 2d2d2d2d 00000000 00000059 |BARC----.......Y|
80703970: 4a616941 7263532e 61726300 00000000 |JaiArcS.arc.....|
80703980: 4c756967 6953652e 626d7300 0000ffff ||
80703990: 00000000 00000001 00000000 0000eec0 |................|
807039A0: 4d617269 6f30322e 636f6d00 0000ffff ||
807039B0: 00000002 00000003 0000eec0 00005940 |..............Y@|
807039C0: 5069616e 69737451 75697a30 3100ffff |PianistQuiz01...|
807039D0: 00000002 00000003 00014800 00000520 |..........H.....|
807039E0: 5069616e 69737451 75697a30 3200ffff |PianistQuiz02...|
807039F0: 00000002 00000003 00014d20 00000660 |..........M ...`|
80704400: 4f636869 30312e63 6f6d0000 0000ffff ||
80704410: 00000002 00000003 0008ca00 00000340 |...............@|
80704420: 4f636869 30322e63 6f6d0000 0000ffff ||
80704430: 00000002 00000003 0008cd40 000001c0 |...........@....|
80704440: 4f636869 30332e63 6f6d0000 0000ffff ||
80704450: 00000002 00000003 0008cf00 000001a0 |............... |
80704460: 48657948 6f6f2e63 6f6d0000 0000ffff ||
80704470: 00000002 00000003 0008d0a0 000008c0 |........... ....|
80704480: 44656d6f 5f537461 722e636f 6d00ffff ||
80704490: 00000002 00000003 0008d960 000005c0 |...........`....|

by koopatroop at 11:23 PM EST on February 7, 2014
Is there anyone recording LM's?
(I really wanna do this myself but I can't run dolphin,Sorry.)
by koopatroop at 4:50 AM EST on February 9, 2014
Looks like I just found where the pack of 101 songs come from:


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