PS2 Hidden Files/Formats by froggestspirit at 4:47 AM EDT on August 5, 2014
Long story short, I want to go through and rip Sly 1-3's soundtrack. I can access the music in the sly collection for ps3 (I believe they are XVAG format), but these arn't all the songs. Previously, I made a rip of Sly 2's soundtrack, and line-in recorded the missing songs from the ps2 version.

Sly 1 and 2 have missing files in the iso, if you open it in something like winrar. Sly 3 puts all data in a file called sly3.wad

Sly 1 uses sequenced music, sly 2 and 3 use streamed. My question is, what formats of known streamed music are there for ps2 (or the headers i can search in a hex editor) and is there a way to find sly2.wal (or so it's called in the demo from ratchet and clank)
by Infernus Animositas at 12:55 PM EDT on August 5, 2014
Uploading 10MB samples of the .WAL files from each game. Hoping someone can make a BMS script or unpacker :)

[PS3] Sly Cooper HD Collection WAL
by froggestspirit at 6:55 PM EDT on August 7, 2014
The ps3 ones are no issue to get. The PS2 ones however are the ones I'm after. Had the PS3 remakes not have had missing audio, this would not be an issue :(

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