Cueing Audio Files by MrDANtastic at 11:00 AM EDT on August 18, 2014
As a little side hobby, I've been hacking away at a few Gamecube Iso's to study the contents of the .aw files and audio bank. I, like many foolhardy, would be hackers (or noob if you like), thought that it would be possible to replace the audio files in Twilight Princess. I know! For shame right?! Well, after about a week of researching and creeping around on the forum, I've come to a better understanding of the file structure, and know enough to realize that simply replacing them is a nigh impossible task. But I, being a stubborn, hard headed, child of an Irishman, have yet to give up on this particular task.

Therefore, I would like to pose a question...

Would it be possible, instead of attempting to hopelessly replace the audio files of the game, to cue replacement tracks via an external program such as a soundboard? Essentially, my thought process behind this was if a cue is coded so that when the instance a vanilla track is triggered in game, it would cue an audio track from the soundboard. Is this a viable option, or just a waste of time?

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