Shin'en's GAX Format (GBA) by Team Fail at 1:26 PM EST on December 11, 2014
So, I've been working on a project for a particular game I've been playing for a long time. I've been wanting to reverse-engineer the game, as well as the audio format so that custom audio could be made for this particular game. I've gotten a bit of research done, however, it's been basically all me and my own research, and with College happening, it's been slow. I did see some posts here (Linked in my post that's linked below) from UNKNOWNFILE (Who seems to have gone inactive) that have helped a little bit, but I haven't gotten that much farther.

I thought I'd come here since more people here are musically-inclined, and see if I can further this project.

As mentioned, here's my findings:, I don't feel bothered to copy/paste all that's in there because it'd be almost impossible to format here :x

Edit: Here's a couple of links to show you what games use this engine, or variants of:

edited 6:40 PM EST December 11, 2014
by Team Fail at 8:13 AM EST on January 30, 2015
I thought I'd push this up for some visibility. I'm still looking to see if anyone has any additional research or documents or anything pertaining to this sound engine. I also know of a few games using this engine that have yet to get rips, so perhaps that can be done down the line.

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