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by soneek at 5:26 PM EDT on July 8, 2015
Thanks. I only added support for type 3 MCA files so far. I have to look at these and found out how to get the coefficient offsets properly in order to decode these properly.

In terms of encodig MCA, it's standard DSP. The hard part is rebuilding the header successfully enough for the game to accept it. I'd add MCA as a download type on Brawl Custom Music if I understood it enough.
by wiibomb at 6:03 PM EDT on July 8, 2015

if a file from the game is encoded in, let's say, type 4 MCA, but I hypothetically encode one in type 3 MCA, there would be no difference, right? do you think the game knows about the type of each MCA?

I say this, because if not, only one encoding would be needed in any case.

in fact, I'll try to swap different BGM to see if the game behaves normally (but with the swapped BGM)

by soneek at 6:09 PM EDT on July 8, 2015
It's worth a try. There's some type 3s in Monster Hunter 3G. Are you using LayeredFS, custom updates, or ROM rebuilding?
by wiibomb at 6:19 PM EDT on July 8, 2015

I used my 4.5 3ds to decrypt the a dump I made of my game, I need to follow some steps to rebuild the rom.

with this decryption I have all the files of the game, including these .MCAs, the problems is that I cannot open any of the files, since I know very little and I'm just starting to see how far I can get to mod the rom... which is my purpose...
by soneek at 6:22 PM EDT on July 8, 2015
Are you on GBATemp? If, so message me there and I can try to help you out with custom file loading. I went through a little headache doing it for Smash Bros., but I got it working.
by wiibomb at 6:30 PM EDT on July 8, 2015
yes, precisely from GBATemp, I suppose you are there with the same username? I will PM you, need help to know how to load these files, thanks

(this whole MCA theme has been a headache for me lol)
by PRGN at 11:27 PM EDT on July 18, 2015
So how's the mh4g/u mca decoding process going?
I stopped messing around with it for a while after having tried pretty much everything with the mca's.
I even tried to repack the files as .arc according to the fileorder from bgm_bat.stq. But no luck.

Would it make sense if the whole /bgm folder would actually be one single streamfile,
that uses the info from .stq as 'song start / song end' reference?

I was wondering how fb2k/vgmstream calculates the number of samples of those mca's. I can't find these values anywhere in their header.

Some of the songs can be fixed by just adding/removing a few bytes. The headache.. someone.. pls...
by wiibomb at 5:09 PM EDT on July 20, 2015
I've been trying to edit something inside the rom itself, but I've been having no luck rebuilding the rom..

well.. in fact I just did it, but now I need to replicate the process to ensure it's working..

I found that there are different .mca types in the rom itself, and I was trying to swap just 2 of the types in order to check if the rom works ok, because if so, I would only need need 1 type of mca to build the mod I want...

...and that would also take out your hypothesis I would love to prove wrong, because that .stq theory would complicate a lot the decryption/encryption of the MCAs

EDIT: nope, rom rebuilding did not work... going though the route of the update rebuilding

edited 3:14 PM EDT July 21, 2015
by PRGN at 2:21 AM EDT on August 23, 2015
Here's one of the files of which i was able to fix for fb2k vgmstream.


zip contains bgm_em032 original and fixed, stq,
and a part from bgm_mid01 (0x2C - 0x4A0).

Like i said before, some files can be fixed by adding or removing a few bytes. But with this one i also replaced the part that starts at 0x2C with the one from bgm_mid01 to see what it does.

The filesize of the fixed version is incorrect according to the .stq file.
However they both come out at the same value when doing filesize -minus the size of the part at 0x2C:

(original version)

[SIZE]     0032EDE0 = 3337696 bytes
[0x2C]     000003E0 = 992 bytes

3337696-992 = 3336704 (0032EA00)

(@offset 0x20: 0032EA00)


(fixed version)

[SIZE]     0032EEA0 = 3337888 bytes
[0x2C]    000004A0 = 1184 bytes

3337888-1184 = 3336704 (0032EA00)

(@offset 0x20: 0032EA00)

by PRGN at 1:52 AM EDT on September 4, 2015
Zinogre and Brachydios Theme (MH3U versions and MH4U versions):!DhVhxKhS!7BTVcBqct8wgztCmrjWCLHj4eNM2lE1mKhfj-OjKnNg

Uploaded for comparison. Song data of both versions are pretty much the same. Just some differences in the header.

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