The Lost Vikings GBA Ripped by birdmanager6 at 7:02 AM EDT on August 19, 2015
Hi, there.
After importing the GBA version of The Lost Vikings into Audacity, I have made an interesting discovery.
All the audio in the game is at 8500hz. Unlike most games, where they use sequenced music composed of many channels of instruments of samples at different frequencies, this game uses streamed music, which is all the music tracks recorded directly from the original SNES version, which explains why many of the songs don't loop correctly and/or are missing a part at the end. The music is actually encoded in ADPCM, a 4-bit format that most games don't use, which was probably used to better compress the music, while the sound effects are standard 8-bit signed waveforms. The audio is stored near the end of the ROM, with the sound effects and then the music.
Here is a link of a full rip of two WAV files, one of the music, and one of the sound effects. Now you can enjoy the audio at its full quality (despite it still not being as good as the SNES quality). :)

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