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by 47iscool at 2:42 AM EDT on October 28, 2015
Is it possible to get the loop info from spc files?
by RukarioGyiyg996 at 4:46 AM EDT on October 28, 2015
split700 tells me the sample# where the loop start happens, but brr2wav doesn't want to output the smpl chunk so the loop data is already there.

I'm able to manually specify the loop start in my tracker but it just seems annoying having to do that all the time.
by gocha at 9:57 AM EST on November 4, 2015
Raw BRR sample itself doesn't have loop point. You weren't able to get loop point without '-M' option.

Anyway, I had thought that Split700 is inconvenient at some points. So I have made a new version from scratch and now you can export WAVE files with loop-point, in simpler syntax.

I hope you will enjoy it.
(Moreover, I wish that there are no bugs.)

Releases ยท gocha/split700

edited 10:06 AM EST November 4, 2015
by kode54 at 3:53 AM EST on November 5, 2015
And since you asked about me as well, I keep a client idling on Freenode, ForeverChat, Esper, DarkMyst, Badniknet, and a bunch of other IRC networks. I also have an email address: chris (at)

Sorry I couldn't be more help, thought I'd suggest waiting around at least until a better tool surfaced, and lo, one did.

Incidentally, proper decoding is necessary for some games' samples, like the sword or impact click sound from Zelda. That uses the clip/wrap behavior, so either you get a tick and high pitched sine tone, or you get a bump and a low pitched sine tone.

The so-called clipping/wrapping behavior, in case anyone is curious here and hasn't looked at a modern decoder, like Blargg's or others'.

The samples are decoded with 16 bit precision, but that is one bit greater than the actual playback precision. The least significant bit of the actual output is zero, and the most significant bit of the actual clipped sample data is truncated from the top of the sample, so some samples may actually wrap around once per decoded sample. Some encoders actually were designed to take advantage of this, in case wrapping produced a smaller delta than not wrapping.

This effect was also used for Square's so-called noise/wind effect, rather than actually modulating against a noise channel.
by RukarioGyiyg996 at 6:28 AM EST on November 5, 2015
That's quite interesting stuff, mind if I shoot you a email whenever, kode54?

Incase anybodies wondering, this is what I did with the tool, thanks guys:
Musical Dragon - "Megalovania"

EDIT: if hcs would like to mirror my file
Right click, save as.

edited 6:54 AM EST November 5, 2015
by kode54 at 1:50 AM EST on November 6, 2015
Sure, or you could hit Skype (k0de54) or Steam (kode54).

E: Nice job with that module!

edited 1:51 AM EST November 6, 2015

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