The old USF ripping guides by wolupgm6 at 7:36 AM EDT on April 23, 2016
I remember years ago reading two different USF ripping guides / examples here. One was by ugetab and it's long since been removed, and I think the other one was hosted here and was based off Killer Instinct Gold. I may be mistaken with the where and who.

It's been several years since my last crack at trying to rip a USF set and since then I've gotten significantly better at similar tasks and so I'm thinking of reading up on it and seeing if I can give it another go. If it doesn't work out, no harm done. Does anyone have a link or copy of the old guides or anything else relevant?
by wolupgm6 at 6:32 AM EDT on April 25, 2016
Found this which has everything I asked for. Just in case anyone else stumbles upon this thread after doing similar searches.

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