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by marioman at 5:12 PM EDT on July 21, 2007
Thanks for the info, but I was hoping that I could find the official page so I could keep track of updates. Since the official NEZPlug++ page is now MIA, it is very good that ugetab has it mirrored on his site.
by ugetab at 7:34 PM EDT on July 21, 2007
I'd like a copy of the source, if the page had it. I really wasn't expecting the site to go down, considering how good the plugin was getting.
by anewuser at 11:13 AM EDT on July 22, 2007

If there're any problems, message and I'll take the file down.
by ugetab at 4:14 AM EDT on July 23, 2007
I'm glad someone grabbed the +5 update's source. GBS plugin development has stalled out for so long that having the source to updates like that could he helpful for updating any player.

The source is on the plugin download page now, due to the untimely demise of the original site.

Thanks for the copy of the source code, anewuser
by unknownfile at 12:08 PM EDT on July 24, 2007
Notsofatso's panning only allows for the following configurations for the VRC7 at the moment:

1 = left
2 = right
3 = center

Also I am implementing channel-by-channel control.
by Lunar at 1:47 PM EDT on August 2, 2007
Just checking out the new NEZPLUG, after replacing an old version of Meridian. Better by a landslide, awesome :).
by marioman at 7:12 PM EDT on August 2, 2007
The new version of NEZPlug is definitely much better. The only thing that Meridian's plugin has that NEZPlug does not is channel muting. So I keep the newest version of in_gbs just in case I want to use that feature.
by unknownfile at 12:33 AM EDT on August 6, 2007
OK stups, NotSoFatso has channel disabling (cheap hack) for the VRC7 added.

Because the thing is written in C++, I can't figure out how to call functions in different mainspaces.
by unknownfile at 1:16 AM EDT on August 7, 2007
I have done some stuff relating to the VRC7, now I have to fix up the cartridge so that the audio is received by the system.
by Kaminari at 11:37 AM EDT on August 16, 2007
OffGao's site is up again.

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