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by punk7890-2 at 8:52 AM EST on November 17, 2014
Yeah. I get the same thing now. I think it has something to do with him adding SSE2 support. Though mine isn't much of a problem as yours. Mine takes about 1.5 secs to start now when it was instantaneous.
by kode54 at 11:20 PM EST on November 23, 2014
It has to do with eliminating the dynamic recompilation processor cores, as they were non portable and quite a horrid mess.

Enable HLE in the configuration page if your computer is on par with my iPod Touch, which starts playing comfortably with the HLE mode.

The new, or should I say old, HLE R4300i routines which I dug up from a JoshW josh-use.rar from 2008, add an additional 2 to 5 percent speed boost.

As I said in the other lazyusf topic, if anyone wants dynarec back in, they're going to need to supply a re compilation engine which supports a state machine structure for reentrancy, and they're going to need to target at least x86, x86-64, ARM, and ARM64. Nothing more really, just that for starters.
by Lunar at 2:05 AM EST on November 25, 2014
That's too bad. I'm using 3.1GHz Core i3, not the beefiest processor on the one hand, but less than three years old. I've enabled HLE, it hasn't made a significant difference ~ 5+ seconds on track initialisation (almost 10 seconds for Turok Seeds of Evil.)

I'm guessing the best I can hope for is to revert to the version prior to when the change you mentioned happened, if it is still available.
by djDarkX at 6:01 AM EST on November 25, 2014
First time poster, but I've noticed that 64th Note on Winamp doesn't have this issue. I agree, when I updated the plugin on foobar, aside from slow initialization, certain music from certain games also seems to lag and skip causing audio gaps.

Using 64th Note, it didn't happen. I guess the change was necessary on foo_input_usf, but now I've reverted to using the last version of Winamp and the latest of 64th Note just for USF playback.
by punk7890-2 at 12:03 PM EST on November 25, 2014
Enabling HLE seems to get rid of the time it takes to load a song now. Odd that it takes so long for some other people.
by kode54 at 7:35 PM EST on November 25, 2014
Initialization involves skipping up to the configured 10 second default worth of silence, then buffers up to that amount for end of track detection.

You can turn off both features in the preferences, but know that if a track is untimed and ends with silence, it will continue to play until the default timer runs out.

Yes, the interpreter cores are about four times as slow as the recompilers, but they're portable.

Again, if anyone wants to contribute portable recompilers, they're welcome to.

Or stick to an old version and don't ask foobar2000 for updates. The recompilers are also prone to crashing, while these cores are not, at least in their current state.
by Lunar at 9:02 AM EST on November 26, 2014
Or stick to an old version and don't ask foobar2000 for updates.

I'd be satisfied with this, just need somewhere to download the last version prior to the removal of the recompilers.
by kode54 at 10:09 PM EST on November 26, 2014
Unless joshw updated his copy, he should have a version that predates my fork of lazyusf.
by kode54 at 10:20 PM EST on November 28, 2014
Try the latest update now. If you managed to play full speed before, this will start up quite fast. Robustness of the end of track silence detection depends on machine speed, though.
by djDarkX at 11:24 AM EST on November 29, 2014
New version seems to have fixed the issues I was having. I also was using HLE and was getting slow startups and audio cut-outs from the lag. As I said, however, this seems to have fixed the issue.

Thanks for the update kode54! You do really good work. Your plugins made the transition from Winamp to Foobar so painless. lol

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