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by nothingtosay at 11:28 AM EST on November 29, 2014
"Thanks for the update kode54! You do really good work. Your plugins made the transition from Winamp to Foobar so painless."
by DrO at 11:48 AM EST on November 29, 2014
who'd use still use Winamp? you'd have be a fool or clinically insane to do something like that..
by Mouser X at 6:05 PM EST on November 29, 2014
I must be insane then. Though, I don't actually use the Dec. 2013 version (I don't remember what version it was, or what version I use). I *did* download the Dec. 2013 version/installer, but I don't use the Winamp.exe it came with. I used the installer to manually update all the plugins (I opened the installer as an archive, and pulled out individual plugins, and updated those that were newer versions than the ones I had installed. Obviously I tried each one to make sure they didn't crash Winamp). So my version of Winamp is older than the "final" release, but I'm using all the newest plugins (that don't cause it to crash).

Yes, actually, I can see that being an acceptable reason to be considered insane. It was a lot pf work, actually. I did it, though, because the newest version of Winamp caused "Next on Stop" to cease functioning. So, I'm using whatever version of Winamp that "Next on Stop" still worked in. I haven't noticed any problems with my "hybrid" Winamp, so I'm happy. :P. Mouser X over and out.
by Tanookirby at 3:15 PM EST on December 5, 2014
@kode54: If you're looking for a challenge, here's an idea: try basing your plugin on the latest version of Project64. If you can also create a new version of 64th Note or equivalent, that would be awesome.
by kode54 at 6:21 PM EST on December 12, 2014
Here's the thing. Does the latest Project64 load save states from 1.4? Because every single USF set in existence depends on loading Project64 1.4 save states.

Also, again, I'd only be looking into the interpreter cores, because I want this to remain portable. I could look into recompiling cores for different platforms, but again, there's the problem of portability.

Oh, and I could update the Winamp plugin, but the container aspect looks like it would be simpler to retrofit it into Neill Corlett's existing ESP framework. It just needs a PSF loader, plugin frontend, tag editor, etc.

And a will to still maintain software for Winamp.
by punk7890-2 at 2:13 PM EST on December 16, 2014
Noticed there's now some odd shakiness in Jet Force Gemini's cymbals and some tracks have a bit of a weird starting. Here's an example (notice the weird start). The first 16 seconds are from the latest Lazy USF and the second is from a recording in PJ64.
Not sure how to explain it. The second version just sounds... more stable?
by kode54 at 8:09 PM EST on December 16, 2014
Probably some weird timing involving the vertical blanking interrupt/timer, which was just changed. It's probably not the best now, but it's better than what it was before. Other than that, I have no clue.
by punk7890-2 at 11:15 AM EST on December 17, 2014
Well that sucks. Is there anyway to revert to older versions that doesn't have this shakiness? It's quite noticeable on Perfect Dark.
by punk7890-2 at 2:16 PM EST on December 19, 2014
Welp. I guess it was the multi resampler I was using in Linear interpolation. All good now. Also a song in Jet Force Gemini no longer works:
Unable to open item for playback (Unknown audio command 0: 000004e0 1bee000e
Unknown audio command 0: 00000650 1bee000e
Unknown audio command 0: 000004e0 1bee000e
Unknown audio command 0: 00000650 1bee000e
Unknown audio command 0: 000004e0 1bee000e
Unknown audio command 0: 00000650 1bee000e
Unknown audio command 0: 000004e0 1bee000e
Unknown audio command 0: 00000650 1bee000e):
"D:\Music\Jet\58 Asteroid.miniusf"

edited 7:50 PM EST December 19, 2014
by kode54 at 6:58 PM EST on December 20, 2014
Looks like naudio_mp3 has an actual command in slot 0, doing something I can't really decipher, since I kind of suck at identifying RSP assembly. For now, use the LLE audio for that file.

Looks like this one uses resonant filtering as well, and something else that a cleverer hacker than I should get to work on converting to C code. :)

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