Are the audio files from ICO unextractable? by mewtewpews at 10:12 PM EST on December 19, 2023
I've tried a lot of things to get these sound files, I loved this game. For some reason Shadow of Colossus 2 seems to be quite an easier task to extract than ICO even though I'd assume they'd use the same audio settings??? But I guess not.

When going through PSounds and Cube Media Player I get just a few of the many sounds that are in the game.

While going through VGMSTREAM and JOSHW.INFO I get maybe a small pot of all of the ICO files in GENH form. Using some VGMSTREAM cmd plugin I can convert them to wav but they aren't all of them, there's tons more and I have no idea where to find them.

edited 9:20 AM EST December 20, 2023

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