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by SmartOne at 12:05 AM EDT on August 7, 2009

...And then stack overflow. :(

I really need some help. I feel like the I'm only person who cares about an accurate GSF player.

Hey, Winamp won't load the plugin because Winamp depends on the older zlib.dll that it installs in its root directory. Probably conflicting symbols and junk. But when I tried linking zlib statically, the plugin loaded in neither XMPlay nor Winamp. What the hell.

edited 12:23 AM EDT August 7, 2009
by Mouser X at 1:33 AM EDT on August 7, 2009
I'm interested in improved GSF audio. Very rarely do I listen to GSFs, since they don't sound very good to me. If your work can help improve that, I'm all for it. Unfortunately, I don't think there's anything I can do to help. I'm providing my support, but as far as I know, that's the only help I can provide. Sorry, and good luck. If you succeed, I'm sure your work will not be in vain. Mouser X over and out.
by Lunar at 9:43 AM EDT on August 7, 2009
yea i'm very interested in GSF improvements. i notice the sound coming out of VBA is nicer than the current plugin. that and there's no foobar plugin which i'd really loooove. so i fully support any GSF-related endeavours.
by SmartOne at 6:33 PM EDT on August 8, 2009
I disabled most, if not all, Compiler and Linker optimizations. Now remake_stereo_buffer() gets further before an "Unhandled exception" at blip_eq_t::generate(float* out, int count), Line 264 + 0x2c bytes. Don't know what the + hex bytes is about, but the line is:

out [i] *= 0.54f - 0.46f * (float) cos( i * to_fraction );
by arbingordon at 6:57 PM EDT on August 8, 2009
I'd help, but I suck at programming in general.
by SmartOne at 11:44 PM EDT on August 8, 2009
So do I, it turns out. ;)

for ( int i = count; i--; )
        out [i] *= 0.54f - 0.46f * (float) cos( i * to_fraction );

Infinite loop? That's some code in Blip_Buffer.cpp. It's blargg's and is used in many different implementations, so I know it's correct.

count = -32, not that it matters?
by Mouser X at 12:07 AM EDT on August 9, 2009
I had my dad look at this, and he says that what the loop is trying to do is to loop, until it reaches 0. But, since count is already -32, it's not going to reach 0 (it's decrementing). It seems to me, that for that for() loop to work, count would need to be a positive number. At least, if what my dad said is correct. Hopefully that helps? Mouser X over and out.
by SmartOne at 12:14 AM EDT on August 9, 2009
Thanks, I figured it had to be something like that. I did a search on "for" loops to refresh, but I didn't find that zero rule...
by arbingordon at 12:49 AM EDT on August 9, 2009
well, if I'm not mistaken (although I've only tried it in c++ with msvc++ 6.0...), it would actually get back down to 0 from -32 because the (signed) integers loop back such that

int whatever = –2147483648;

the loop would stop after one execution, and whatever would be set as 2147483647

just a point, that that might be the intention of the original coder (although that'd be one long-ass loop to process through)
by SmartOne at 1:36 AM EDT on August 9, 2009
blip_eq_t::generate(float* out, int count)

out is a float pointer... an array of float pointers... i think... that would be a lot of pointers...pointers are fun...

It seems the symbol width is never initialized, and I don't know how C++ works if something isn't initialized. This causes:

int const half_size = blip_res / 2 * (width - 1);

Then half_size = -32, somehow. half_size is passed as count, which leads to the Unhandled (array index out of bounds?) exception.

Is there some Sound function I need to call before soundReset() can be safely called? I'm looking into VBA-M's SoundDriver implementations to find out.

edited 1:57 AM EDT August 9, 2009

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