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Adjusting 64th Note's tempo and/or pitch? by TheBigL1 at 12:57 AM EST on December 15, 2011
A while back I asked here about a problem with the USF set of Donkey Kong 64, which had the pitch ever so slightly out of tune. Nothing really came of it, so I'm wondering if it's possible to fix the problem from the other end, by adjusting something with 64th Note to make it play the samples at a different frequency.

I also have the USF from Ocarina of Time, and the tempo on its songs seems a tiny, tiny bit too slow, so is there a way to make 64th Note play them faster instead of having to re-rip the soundtrack myself? I realize it's necromantic to ask about 64th Note when it hasn't been updated in 4 years, but I don't see any other USF plug-ins for Winamp, or USF players at all for Windows.
by Tanookirby at 10:18 PM EST on December 21, 2011
I've noticed the same problems with Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, LoZ: Majora's Mask, and Yoshi's Story. To resolve this, I downloaded this Winamp plugin called Pacemaker which allows you to change the tempo and/or pitch of a song. The plugin can memorize a track's settings so that the changes return when you play it again. Just don't forget to reapply the settings for a track when you change it's tag name in the playlist editor.

You can find it here.

I recommend moving the tempo slider up 4.0% for Ocarina of Time while moving the the speed slider up 2.0% for DK64.
by TheBigL1 at 7:03 PM EST on January 10, 2012
Thanks so much for this, it's seriously helped me out. Now I can actually listen to these tracks instead of just leaving them on the hard drive with no use for them.
EDIT: I just have one other question. Every time I stop a track with PaceMaker active, an error pops up saying "CPU Thread did not stop, terminating". Nothing else seems to be wrong, but I'm concerned as to why it's happening.

edited 7:17 PM EST January 10, 2012
by Tanookirby at 10:37 PM EST on January 10, 2012
Never had that problem. The best solution I can give you is to uninstall and reinstall Winamp as well as all of your additional plugins.
by TheBigL1 at 10:54 PM EST on January 10, 2012
I might get the latest version of Winamp too, and look at what other DSP plug-ins there are. PaceMaker is a combination of crippleware and nagware, as I've come to discover. I only noticed the other DSP plug-in installed when I was looking through the plug-in settings to turn off PaceMaker.
by wolupgm6 at 10:55 PM EDT on November 3, 2016
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, just thought I'd mention that if you write the DK64 tracks to disk as .wav and then adjust the sample rate from 21617 to 22050 you get the correct playback pitch and speed (in comparison to the OST tracks).
by kode54 at 2:13 PM EDT on November 4, 2016
64th Note is old. LazyUSF2 is newer. It supports most of the rips that are available. It also plays the Donkey Kong 64 rip at the correct pitch and tempo. The error is that it was ripped from the PAL version, and the save state needed to be used to detect the correct region, since the header region has been stripped from the ROM data.
by agu fungus at 1:01 AM EST on November 7, 2016
Sounds interesting. Any chance for a Winamp version of the plugin?
by derselbst at 3:09 PM EST on November 10, 2016
@agu fungus

are you running the latest version of 64th note?
by agu fungus at 2:57 PM EST on November 11, 2016
I already installed it, but it still plays Super Mario 64 at a slow tempo.

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