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by marcusss at 12:07 AM EDT on October 7, 2018
Yeah I upoaded it with PC tag but was mistakenly put under ps2. I guess no biggy really..

I already uploaded PS4 version of LoR but it can be grabbed here in the meantime

Labyrinth of Refrain [PS4] [AT9]

Also added

* Pathfinder - Kingmaker (2018-09-26)(Owlcat Games)(Deep Silver) [PC]

* Seven The Days Long Gone (2017-12-01)(IMGN.PRO)(Fool's Theory) [PC]

edited 7:23 AM EDT October 7, 2018
by Sir-Sabin at 5:02 PM EDT on October 7, 2018

thx for telling me how to upload and Disney Afternoon i uploaded is from the pc version of the game
by marcusss at 5:01 AM EDT on October 8, 2018
Just uploaded these games

* Gundam Versus Japanese Premium G Sound Edition [PS4] Game has audio tracks in both 2ch and 6 ch Atrac 9

* Touhou Kobuto V - Burst Battle (2017-10-10)(CUBETYPE)(NIS America) [PS4]

* Spacebourne (2018-10-05)(Burak Dabak) [PC] - Nice music

edited 8:40 AM EDT October 8, 2018

edited 8:50 AM EDT October 8, 2018
by Broula at 8:38 AM EDT on October 8, 2018

I'm looking for help about extracting files from Rainbow Six Vegas 1 & 2 sound archives (.SB0, .SB4, .SS4, .SP4 files).
I started a thread here :

Here : I found an archive containing music files from Rainbow Six Vegas 2, it seems they have been ripped from the game's archive, that's why I'm posting this here.

I wonder if I can contact the author of the archive through here ? Maybe he has the solution to my problem... His user name is Ultrafighter, I found his post here :
I can't find a private message button.

Also I have all the music from a game that's not in the index (Fable 2 - xbox 360) and I'd like to upload it, how can I do that ?

Thanks in advance

edited 8:44 AM EDT October 8, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 3:38 AM EDT on October 9, 2018
You'd better ask Bnnm here, post numerous samples of files with various extensions (.SB4, .SS4, etc.) and wait for a reply: maybe he'll be able to add these formats to VGMstream, maybe not. If I got it correctly then every UbiSoft game needs its own approach and tiny fixes because devs change their audio format pretty often, that's why each title has to be implemented from scratch.
If you're lucky enough you'll get something like this: untouched sound banks that become playable in the plugin. I guess you'll have to add smaller ones into playlist and they'll serve as sort of playlists for actual audio streams contained in bigger archives.
Or maybe someone else will make an extractor script for you, it's also possible but you should head for that thread first.

I only added Rainbow six - Vegas 2 PC rip to JoshW.Info because it was 100% OGG, I decided it's nothing too criminal to extract Vorbis tracks in that situation.
When it comes to Vegas 1 (it's like 90% or 95% OGG) or Far cry - Instincts (100% headerless Ubi ADPCM (?)) or stuff like that I only post it there, I consider this topic the most appropriate place for semi-streamed or not-flawless or definitely incomplete gamerips.

See you!

PS. I'm wondering if every single track from that Fable 2 rip is playable, I found many unplayable files in Fable 3 & Fable - Heroes (both can be found here) sets so maybe extraction methods which are currently available aren't perfect? It's pure speculation of course.

edited 3:46 AM EDT October 9, 2018
by Broula at 3:03 PM EDT on October 9, 2018
Ok thank you very much for all the details, I'll try Bnnm.

I'm not sure what you meant by I only added Rainbow six - Vegas 2 PC rip to JoshW.Info because it was 100% OGG, I decided it's nothing too criminal to extract Vorbis tracks in that situation.When it comes to Vegas 1 (it's like 90% or 95% OGG) or Far cry - Instincts (100% headerless Ubi ADPCM (?)) or stuff like that I only post it there, I consider this topic the most appropriate place for semi-streamed or not-flawless or definitely incomplete gamerips.

How did you (assuming it's you ?) rip all these ogg and from what files using which script ? What do you mean by "not too criminal" is it ironical regarding the quality of the audio provided or it is for copyright infringement matters ?

100% ogg for RSV2 and 90-95% ogg for RSV1 meaning there is no archive for RSV1 because not all the files were playable ? And why were the Fable Heroes and Fable 3 archives uploaded to JoshW.Info even though they are not flawless ?

Many questions sorry.

Concerning Fable 2, I used ravioli game tools to extract the .xma sound files from the .bnk archives. Then I used xmash and towav to convert the .xma to .wav. I have all the sounds, atmospheres, music, dialogues, etc, everything in .wav (lossless) and playable.

I just downloaded the archive for Fable heroes
and Fable 3 but the .xma won't convert to .wav when I pass them through xmash and towav tools. Foobar2000 (with vgstream) can't read most of them, as you said.

I don't understand why even the ones foobar2000 can play and convert can't be converted through xmash/towav. I don't know anything about audio codecs and such things so I can't imagine the reason.

Anyways, none of this happened while I was converting Fable 2 .xma files to .wav, everything went smooth. Sometimes the xmash/towav tool would fail converting one isolated file but in that case I needed only to add another .xma file in the folder and repeat the operation and it would work. Didn't work with Fable 3 or Fable Heroes though.

So I'm positive I have every sound for Fable 2 playable and in lossless quality. I didn't convert the 48000+ speech files yet but I'm at 3500+ and every file I passed through xmash/towav was converted successfully. Now how can I upload them ?

Sorry for the long post, I'm not good at summarizing. And this whole game files format is such a mess... (see ? two sentences instead of one (three now))

edited 3:04 PM EDT October 9, 2018

edited 3:05 PM EDT October 9, 2018

edited 3:05 PM EDT October 9, 2018

edited 3:06 PM EDT October 9, 2018
by ChillyBilly at 5:10 PM EDT on October 9, 2018
Here's a few I got done over the weekend:


Wandersong (Yes, there's some SFX mixed in there. But in this case, they're technically part of the music)

Welcome to Bummertown


Metal Max Xeno

Sengoku Basara: Sanada Yukimuri-Den (Like the PS3 version, the audio came in .sspr files. Thankfully, my previous experience ensured I got this version done faster! That being said, I'm thinking about tackling the PS4 version of Sumeragi at some point, as well....)

That's all for now. Later!
by Ultrafighter at 2:50 AM EDT on October 10, 2018
"How did you (assuming it's you ?) rip all these ogg and from what files using which script ?"
I scanned all *.SS0 files with decubisndgui.exe from this tool pack and extracted everything it found to separate files on my HDD.
Most stingers / loops / layers had OGG extension and were indeed playable Vorbis-encoded streams, a few files from Vegas 1 had *. layer extension, as far as I know only decubisnd.exe or decubisndgui.exe can play/decode such streams to PCM WAV but first a ripper has to find correct frequency/sample rate for them.
Finally a few tracks were PCM WAV from the start, they were headerless though and the right value for frequency had to be found too; I don't remember what extension decubisndgui originally assigned to them. They're *.ra files (it's short for *.raw) in my rip of Vegas 1 (more about it later).

"What do you mean by "not too criminal" is it ironical regarding the quality of the audio provided or it is for copyright infringement matters ?"
Surely it was just a wee bit of irony considering high standards for most/all rips submitted here and intended to be backed up @JoshW.Info. I'm sure that all the gamerips I upload here qualify for HCS64 VGM collection but whenever I'm not sure that a rip is good enough for HCS & I still want to share it I post it in the Distribution Thread.
Something unusual/nontrivial or presumably incomplete goes there too: for example ITT I upped a completely custom selection of multi-channel tracks from dozens of Rock band DLCs (it's like 1% or 2% of RB DLCs in existence) plus Guitar hero Live X360 set - it should contain every single BGM / instrument SFX used by the game but not ingame guitar multi-tracks because the latter were encrypted thus not rippable.

"there is no archive for RSV1 because not all the files were playable ?"
There is, it was originally posted there (the last message on the page) BUT those links aren't available now. I have the complete package stashed somewhere else though, would you like to get it? I suppose I can upload it to MEGA or Google Drive if it's fine by you.

"And why were the Fable Heroes and Fable 3 archives uploaded to JoshW.Info even though they are not flawless ?"
It's entirely possible that a ripper didn't find it out for himself because he didn't listen to every file from his rip or even added it to playlist for a test.
If you're interested I've found a workaround for all unplayable files from FH & all but 3 unplayables from F3 so that I can write about the method here: it will let you listen to tracks without reripping the games from the scratch.

As for F2: you'll have to rerip it if you want your archive to be added to Xbox 360 archive because XMA converted to WAV isn't allowed here. Technically speaking you can upload initial XMAs (the ones Ravioli game tools output after it stopped scanning BNK bigfiles) and it'll be fine, it's obvious you should only include BGMs / CS (if the latter even have music in them) but maybe such a set will pass the checking procedure after all.
I'd still suggest you extract untouched *.xma streams with another program named VGMToolbox, I can give you more details if you're willing to redo that gamerip.


edited 3:04 AM EDT October 10, 2018
by marcusss at 4:00 AM EDT on October 10, 2018
Some goodies I uploaded...

* Roche Fusion (2015-01-24)(Amulware) [PC] - Shooter with some pumping music
* Warlock Master of the Arcane (2012-05-08)(Paradox Interactive)(1C) [PC]
* MOTHERGUNSHIP (2018-07-17)(Grip Digital)(Terrilble Posture Games) [PC]
* Fighting Fantasy Legends Portal (2018-07-11)(Nomad Games)(Asmodee Digital) [PC]
* Angels of Death [Satsuriku] (2016-12-20)(Makoto Sanada)(AGM PLAYISM) [PC] - Nice music.
* Legend - Hand of God (2007-10-12)(Master Creating)(ValuSoft) [PC] - Nice RPG music
* Lagsters (2004-04-21)(Boolat Game Development)(Noviy Disk) [PC]
* Project Graviton (2016-02-15)(Balraj Singh Bains) [PC]
* Kill to Collect (2016-04-07)(Pieces Interactive)(HandyGames) [PC]
* Flight of the Paladin (2015-10-24)(Grizzly Wolf Games) [PC]
* Wand Wars (2016-04-13)(Moonradish Inc.) [PC]

edited 8:13 AM EDT October 10, 2018
by ChillyBilly at 5:20 PM EDT on October 10, 2018
Got a few PC treats:

Assault Spy (Pretty sure all those dollar signs are meant to be Japanese characters, but that's how they showed up for me during the ripping process :/)

Girl with a big SWORD

Salary Man Escape

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