What Kind of Archive Is This? by Kurausukun at 12:54 AM EDT on August 4, 2016
In the Pokemon ORAS ROMfs, there's a file just named "0" at romfs/a/1/0/0(file). It has no extension, but it contains some CSEQ sequences (I'm not sure what they are), and some BCWAV streams (these are the Pokemon cries). I'm not sure what kind of archive it is, though--my first guess would be a bcsar, but the first few bytes are 435241471C000000FFFE, which I don't think is expected for a bcsar (but I could be totally wrong).

Questions include:

1. Does anyone know what format this is/is it a bcsar?

2. If it is a bcsar, do we have any tools for rebuilding them?

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