Inaccurate soundfonts from VGMTrans and (Squaresoft) PSF files by jimbo1qaz at 12:00 AM EDT on August 13, 2016
So apparently vgmtrans produces inaccurate soundfonts from PSF files. So far I've primarily tested Chrono Cross. What I observed is detuned or missing instruments (only 0..7 and 127 present). The actual song playback is perfectly fine, except for missing ADSR / release / reverb.

I also extracted a DLS file, used Sforzando to convert to sfz files, then copied the samples into the same folder (as Polyphone ignores default_path for samples), then used Polyphone to import as soundfonts. This revealed that the DLS files (or my convoluted procedure) are also detuned and corrupted.

Right now I'm debugging vgmtrans in Visual Studio (resharper is love, resharper is life, resharper makes VS act like IDEA) to track down why the audio playback works, but saving doesn't.

Wasn't there a post somewhere on hcs, about vgmtrans PS1, missing instruments, and some other tool to extract them? I can't find it right now.

edited 9:03 AM EDT August 13, 2016

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