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by AENIGMA at 1:36 PM EST on February 19, 2008
Picross DS has been ripped.

Note: The title song [prds-0000.mini2sf] doesn't sound right. Some of the notes get cut off too soon.
by nensondubois at 2:55 PM EST on February 19, 2008
Up to higher level directory: I can't download it under 2sf mirrors.
by Omochao at 8:55 AM EST on February 20, 2008
I belive the Phantom Hourglass .2sf is missing some tracks such as the cave theme (track 0a).

Here is a list of what the first few tracks should be:

Also, there may be duplicates in there, judging by my work with VGMtrans.
by Knurek at 3:17 PM EST on February 20, 2008
I'll look into the game this weekend. The song might've been duped later though.

And AENIGMA, you sure about the Animal Crossing tracks? Randomly chosen 0018 and 001b don't sound like they're playing too much music (I didn't play the game at all, so maybe there's something I'm missing here though).
by AENIGMA at 6:34 PM EST on February 20, 2008
The ACWW Hourly Music songs play the Default, Raining and Snowing variations all at once. The Snowing variation has a 'jingle bell' and the Raining variation has a more mellow, echoey sound to them.

The Museum song would be the best example to listen to. In the game, each room in the Museum has a distinct variation. The main room has a 'horn', the observatory has a 'bell', the painting room has a 'violin' and the fossil room has a 'drum'.

If you take a listen to the Animal Forest USF Hourly Music, they all sound similar but with different variations/sounds in them. The AF songs have Default, Cherry Blossom Festival and Snowing variations.

I also noticed that the game has 336 SSEQ's but there are only 209 sequenced songs in the rip, were there a bunch of dummy/dupe songs when the game was ripped?

edited 6:47 PM EST February 20, 2008
by nensondubois at 10:32 PM EST on February 20, 2008
is out of order. In fact, the whole site directory is out of commission.
by Omochao at 12:11 AM EST on February 21, 2008
Seems fine to me.
by Lunar at 3:57 AM EST on February 21, 2008
sometimes you have to refresh for the files to appear.
by Knurek at 4:47 AM EST on February 21, 2008
AENIGMA, you're right of course. I was expecting more variations to the music.
Well, this way at least they're listenable. :)
The missing SSEQs didn't play in the plugin (and VGMTrans as well). Judging from their size and the samples they use, those are just ambient SFX.

nensondubois, if you have a Japanese IP range, you won't be able to connect to Modland. It's due to that retarder xenophobic 2ch stalker (I guess the last straw was when he posted Modland's admin personal information and then reported his imaginary crimes to Modland's ISP).
You can get the files from Manly 2SF Page.
by unknownfile at 10:30 AM EST on February 21, 2008
obvious troll is obvious

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