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by Tanookirby at 9:43 PM EST on January 15, 2008
Does this 2sf plugin work on Vista? The updated plugin still gives me a problem.
by unknownfile at 9:50 PM EST on January 15, 2008
It was built on a machine running Windows XP x64 bit Edition but that doesn't matter - the DLL is compiled for 32bit machines.

OK, one more set and I'm out for the night.

Super Mario 64 DS

Yes, there are dynamic tracks, and no, I will not split them.

edited 10:04 PM EST January 15, 2008
by marioman at 10:34 PM EST on January 15, 2008
You are a 2SF ripping machine UF. Thanks.
by unknownfile at 10:47 PM EST on January 15, 2008
CS2 pointed out an error that effects the generic driver rips (those based on Yoshi's Island), that when you play tracks for 9 minutes 6 seconds, the sequence player dies. I'm not sure why it's happening but I'll check it out later.
by Tanookirby at 11:36 PM EST on January 15, 2008
It appears that a part of the problem is with the current winamp version. It is able at least to play a file in 5.5, but it crashes completely in 5.51.
by Knurek at 2:24 AM EST on January 16, 2008
The plugin doesn't work in XMPlay. Loads the song fine, but while playing it switches between half a second of sound and half a second of silence.
There was something similar going with Highly Advanced a while ago.

From HA changelog: * Performance Boost - (decode_pos_ms - (mod.outMod->GetWrittenTime()-mod.outMod->GetOutputTime())) is now only called twice a second, rather than about 100,000 times a second, at all times. CPU usage is no longer 95-100% on most systems, when using XM-Play. If you have a slower system. (less than 1GHz, you might notice this performance boost in winamp as well.)

The thing is, I've looked at Task Manager and the plugin takes only about 8% of total CPU, so there's something other going on here (Silence detection perchance, this has some problems in current HA build as well, after disabling that, no problems).

I've tried my Winamp install as well (2.91 IIRC), and no luck here too. Even with the required DLLs (zlib1, msvcrt80) the plugin closes Winamp silently when starting to play a track.

by Lunar at 7:15 AM EST on January 16, 2008
Excellent, good to see a Winamp plugin, even if not particularly usable right now.

A note about the Yoshi Touch & Go composers: Kazumi Totaka didn't write any music for that game, he was just "Music Director." So, I'd reckon it's best he was left out of credits when it comes to it. *shrug*

EDIT: phoenix wright uses around 30 - 40% CPU for me.

edited 3:58 PM EST January 16, 2008
by unknownfile at 9:50 AM EST on January 16, 2008
I have the plugin working in Winamp 5.35 on a Centrino 1.6 GHz processor, runs a tiny bit jerky.

I'll fix the XMplay thing later if possible.

Also to let you guys know, this plugin is designed assuming that it's being run with Winamp 5.51, so I'd say it's time to get out of 2.xx territory.

Phoenix Wright is running at 50% CPU here, whereas all the generic driver rips are at 88%. For some reason, I think that another thread is running on the ARM9 despite it being locked up.

Wow, the generic driver rips really DO suck. There's slowdown all over the place with the generic rips, but Phoenix Wright runs full speed. I'm going to need to hunt down that extra thread and fix all the sets released thus far. This hardly has to do with a lack of optimization; it happened during cleaning with the full ROM.

Problem solved. Turns out that killing the video thread was causing the problem. Now fixing all the sets made from the generic driver so far, and they'll be uploaded in a bit.

All the problem sets have been updated. Get the fixed ones kthxbye.

edited 4:54 PM EST January 16, 2008
by Tanookirby at 5:43 PM EST on January 16, 2008
How do I get the msvcrt80 file, and where do I put it?
by unknownfile at 5:48 PM EST on January 16, 2008
C Runtime Libraries

In other news, Metroid Prime Hunters is up. Shit music from a shit game, but I should get it out of the way before people flood me with more requests than I have now.

Also, the other rips might be missing a track, due to my sucky coding skills, so get searching for missing tracks as I'm too lazy to check myself.

Megaman ZX

edited 6:06 PM EST January 16, 2008

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