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by MarkGrass at 8:55 PM EST on February 14, 2008
Excellent work, hcs!

Is there any chance that the newly found G.721 decoder for RSF audio will be implemented into in_cube for proper playback?
by nensondubois at 10:18 PM EST on February 14, 2008
Similar situation, Bugger except I'm a good learner.
by hcs at 11:11 PM EST on February 14, 2008
I've sworn off adding new features to in_cube, sorry.
These don't loop, anyway, so just decoding them once should be all you need.
Rather, they don't loop with any information in the .rsf. I think there might be loop information in the video files associated with these, though.

edited 11:11 PM EST February 14, 2008
by Only3Penguins at 8:33 AM EST on February 15, 2008
So you're not adding more to in_cube, but... is a Winamp plugin for vgmstream planned?
by anewuser at 10:31 AM EST on February 15, 2008
hcs said "It'll be a while before I get this into a Winamp plugin or anything like that."

Only3Penguins, thanks for reading (NOT!)

edited 10:32 AM EST February 15, 2008
by Only3Penguins at 11:53 AM EST on February 15, 2008
D'oh. You know, I remember reading that too. Guess I just forgot afterwards. Sorry.

But... there's supposedly a problem with brstm looping in in_cube? What is this problem supposed to be? Because I've got the Super Paper Mario brstms and there's nothing wrong with them that I can tell.
by hcs at 1:29 PM EST on February 15, 2008
I noticed in a few Super Smash Bros Brawl tracks a pop at the loop point. For instance, A09.brstm at 1:30, particularly noticeable in the right channel. Also C09.brstm (1:52) and C05.brstm (1:09), probably many others but I stopped listening after finding those.

There will, ultimately, be a Winamp vgmstream plugin. I intend it to be a replacement for in_cube, though, so I'm really not planning on working on it until I have have all of in_cube's formats supported.
by Bugger at 1:39 PM EST on February 19, 2008
Is it possible to catch the output of the exe?
For example what you see if you decode a file?

Ah and there is still the problem when I try to play it DOS messes up, my hardware go bleep bleep and in the DOS Window crazy stuff is printed...

And the DOS window is unclosable, I have to kill the process [R.I.P. cmd for 4 times^^]

But when I decode it it just works fine, strange... It`s a normal adx V3 File whith no specials...
by hcs at 3:27 PM EST on February 19, 2008
You can catch the output with input redirection.

test -m blah.adx > info.txt

Why do you keep trying -p? What are you trying to achieve? If you don't know what piping is you probably have no use for it.
Thanks by Bugger at 3:55 PM EST on February 19, 2008
Its a just realtime playing right?
So I want to test it, thats all, you give features I try them...

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