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by bnnm at 2:40 PM EDT on March 21, 2017
latest vgmstream changes
- Added Techland's ATRAC3 XWB [nail'd, Sniper: Ghost Warrior (PS3)]
- Added Capcom .ast [Dead Rising (X360)]
- Fixed some .vag variations [Ukiyo no Roushi (PSVita)]
- Fixed some .msf looping [Malicious (PS3)]
- (dev) meta description cleanup and file renames
by AnonRunzes at 9:23 PM EDT on March 23, 2017
It seems that apparently vgmstream doesn`t detect a .smpl chunk in a .xwav file(let alone a .wav file unless you rename it to .lwav if there`s a PCM codec in it). Not to mention that just by the .wav extension the XBOX ADPCM RIFF files doesn`t work with that extension so they also need to be renamed to .xwav to make it work.

Here are the samples.

Yes, these samples were made by using some XDK tool for testing purposes.

edited 9:23 PM EDT March 23, 2017
by kode54 at 9:42 PM EDT on March 23, 2017
Yeah, and most players that have VGMStream plugins also have native .wav support that can't be extended by other plugins, so VGMStream needs them to have a different extension.

And if you'll look at the meta handler that processes RIFF files, it handles "lwav" but not "xwav".
by AnonRunzes at 9:53 PM EDT on March 23, 2017
That`s interesting... So you`re saying that .xwav loop support is pointless?
by kode54 at 12:05 AM EDT on March 24, 2017
What I'm actually saying is that the current .xwav handler is probably even redundant, and that the .lwav/.at3/etc generic RIFF input probably already handles Xbox IMA just fine.
by AnonRunzes at 5:12 AM EDT on March 24, 2017
by Ultrafighter at 11:46 AM EDT on March 24, 2017
Hi Bnnm, do you have plans for implementation of such quad XBOX (or actually IMA?) ADPCM RIFF files? Here's complete set and there're mostly 4ch tracks in it. They were all extracted using FSBext I presume but it's not too important.
I guess the best way would be to rerip this VG (extract original FSBs out of XXXs?) since multichannel XVAGs & FSBs are playable now but until that playback of such WAVs would surely suffice. I can understand it and won't insist if you don't see real need in implementing those files, I just thought it'd not hurt to ask since you've also added AA3s & OMAs to VGMstream.
by bnnm at 12:39 PM EDT on March 24, 2017
@Ultrafighter - As they come from FSBs they must be reripped I'm afraid.

FSB use a special variant of multichannel IMA (only for >2ch, just to annoy everybody) which I added a while back, but can't be detected in plain WAVs.

(for the record, AA3/OMA support fully comes from FFmpeg, and Kode54 by extension)

@Knurek - those AWCs are a little annoying to figure out. I think OpenIV creates XML or JSON-like files when extracting the AWCs, but as you need the full game I can't get them. Could you throw in a few examples?
It's a multi-stream format though.
by Knurek at 12:50 PM EDT on March 24, 2017
@bnnm: Do you need the AWCs? I uploaded all of them to JoshW server.
Or is that archive too large for you? If so, how many of them should I upload?
by bnnm at 1:06 PM EDT on March 24, 2017
I mean these .OAC helper files, seen here (maybe they aren't auto-created)

A few of those (plus their AWCs, of varying sizes, if possible) would be most helpful.
I can get the .AWC from joshw but I don't think I can create the .OAC, seem to contain useful info about codec, offsets and stuff.

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