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by Knurek at 1:17 PM EDT on March 24, 2017
Ah, okay, here you go.
by AnonRunzes at 10:24 PM EDT on March 24, 2017
Okay, this just in.

I just found another format from an Ubisoft game: Just Dance 4. And this time, it`s the WiiU version. I have a sample here if you(bnnm) or anyone can take a look.


It uses the Nintendo ADPCM codec, and that`s all I have to say about this ".wav" format.

EDIT: I forgot vgmstream supported the "LyN" RIFF format, and you have to play it by renaming it to .sns. Oh well, I`ll probably bring up an unsupported format some time to avoid this mistake.

edited 9:51 AM EDT March 25, 2017
by Ultrafighter at 2:26 AM EDT on March 25, 2017
@Bnnm - OK, I got it, thanks for quick reply and some new rips too!
BTW I only mentioned AA3 & OMA because they can also be classified as kind of inferior unneeded format as well as those 4ch IMA WAVs coming from FSBs. Back in the day Knurek rejected all PSP rips by Alpha23 just 'cause they were mostly AT3+ => AA3 transcodes (or was it actually simple header manipulation?) and ATRAC3+ was already supported by VGMstream. I understood it from the start that the very best option would be to reacquire original FSB containers from the game and play them directly but I also thought that playback of those incorrectly extracted wave tracks would be a decent alternative too (at least for me).
by marcusss at 9:40 AM EDT on March 26, 2017
Sorry to bother you guys. Is someone able to convert this file. It apparently is wwise but not standard ogg which works with ww2ogg. Wav?? I haven't had any lucky converting this file. I tried all kinds of programs scripts etc..

It is from the XBOX360 game Divinity II - Dragon Knight Saga .. aka Flames of Vengeance since the version up on joshw is supposedly only Divinity II i thought I might give it a try :P

The file is here --> .wwise_a

edited 9:49 AM EDT March 26, 2017
by bnnm at 5:36 PM EDT on March 26, 2017
latest vgmstream changes
- Added FSB5 Ogg/Vorbis decoder [many games]
- Improved FSB5 num_samples parsing
- Fixed some MSF looping [Castlevania HoD (PS3)]
- Fixed FSBs with encryption flag set [Double Fine games]


FSB5 Ogg notes:
- libvorbis.dll was updated
- Needs FMOD's vorbis setup/codebooks but all are pre-packed with vgmstream
- If a song doesn't find the proper setup/codebooks it will not play
- setup can be added externally using a .fvs or .fvs_{id/crc32} external files in the song.fsb folder
- In case FMOD changes setup/codebooks: to generate .fvs files you can study this and this if I'm not around
by hcs at 8:39 PM EDT on March 26, 2017
@marcusss: That's wwise IMA ADPCM, decode with ima_rejigger5 or wwise_ima_adpcm.

@bnnm: Whoa, FSB5 Vorbis! Awesome!

edited 9:58 PM EDT March 26, 2017
by AnonRunzes at 8:47 PM EDT on March 26, 2017
If only I had FSB5 Vorbis sets to post around...
by marcusss at 12:41 AM EDT on March 27, 2017

Thanks for that and great vgmstream update bnnm !!
by marcusss at 10:21 AM EDT on March 27, 2017

edited 10:55 AM EDT March 27, 2017
by AnonRunzes at 1:59 PM EDT on March 27, 2017
Seems like Bioshock 2 isn`t the only game that has inconsistent padding.

This file came from the PS3 version of Stacking, and when I use fsbii for these files and then I play them on vgmstream... only a few of them even play at all.

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