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by bnnm at 1:16 PM EDT on April 4, 2017
Yes, I meant that by reverse engineering. Hopefully by FFmpeg since they did ATRAC3/plus too.

I assume the DLL is linkable since it has a companion .h. One could probably make a bridge DLL that dynamic-loads libatrac9.dll, so vgmstream doesn't actually depend on it.
It's still pretty evil though so I hope FFmpeg does their thing.
by marcusss at 10:54 PM EDT on April 4, 2017
Hi guys. I extracted lots of music from Magrunner on the PS3. They are all in a soundnodewav folder since the game using the Unreal engine.

Problem is they are unplayable and I have no idea what type I couldn't rip any playable music from this game yet.

The file is named combatBossGrom01.ps3audio

The folder in this case was called "music_combatbossgrom01_xsa"

Magrunner PS3 example file


edited 11:19 PM EDT April 4, 2017
by bnnm at 1:54 PM EDT on April 5, 2017
Looks like some kind of truncated MSF.
Use this .bms to create GENHs.
by marcusss at 9:08 PM EDT on April 5, 2017
@bnnm Thanks ! will give it a whirl.

The script works but a few songs are either too fast too slow and have weird sample rates like 36000hz.

The music isn't that great as mainly atmoshperic stuff but was curious. It seems like the songs have different sample rates as the speed in some is faster/slower than the working ones

I will give you an example. Credits sounds too fast and kind of weird. example

Original File

Actually also a few music pieces had stuttering like they are interleaved or something?



Cheers. I heard the music from the game before and thought the music sounds alright though :/.


**** I saw the pc version was ripped and on joshw so that's good but curious about this weird music type and wanted to get it working

edited 9:48 PM EDT April 5, 2017
by bnnm at 1:52 PM EDT on April 6, 2017
Those two files should be 2ch, open the .bms and change them in line 9.
There is nothing in the header that tells the channels so you'll have to experiment.
by durandal at 4:21 PM EDT on April 6, 2017
I plan to work on atrac9 decoder in near future.
by mariofan12ify at 12:40 AM EDT on April 7, 2017
Any plans on adding .wem support for the release of Yooka-Laylee?
by marcusss at 1:23 AM EDT on April 7, 2017
vgmstream version r1050 by RetroFanatic at 10:49 PM EDT on April 8, 2017
Ok, let's try this again.

The last time I tried installing vgmstream r1050, it refused to show up in Winamp's Plugin Input tab no matter what I did. I tried simply replacing the dll's and I tried uninstalling the old and installing the new one.

What am I doing wrong?

And also, it's not possible to loop XA-files with vgmstream? CD-ROM XA files to be precise. Castlevania: SotN to be even more so.
by bnnm at 4:14 AM EDT on April 9, 2017
latest vgmstream changes
- Added Wwise XMA/XWMA [Shadowrun, DmC, Halo 4 X360]
- Added Ubisoft RAKI (PCM/MSADPCM/DSP/MP3/XMA2) [Rayman Legends, Just Dance 2017 (multi)]
- Fixed mono/full-interleave CKD [Rayman Origins Wii SFX]
- Fixed some Moon Diver PS3 looping/sample issues
- (dev) Added pcm/dsp/ps/atrac3_bytes_to_samples helpers
- (dev) xma parsing tweaks


Older Wwise XMA (ex. Shadowrun X360) can be renamed from .wav to .lwav to play, while newer (~2012) should be .wem.
If somebody knows of Wwise XMA with a .xma ext (RIFX), please post some examples.

@durandal - awesome!

@mariofan12ify - if they are Ogg/IMA sure, but I would need examples to check.

@RetroFanatic - try the latests builds here. They work with an old Winamp 5.61 for me.
in_vgmstream.dll goes to the Winamp/Plugins folder and the rest of the DLLs to the Winamp folder, and check there aren't extra copies of the DLLs around.
AFAIK SOTN doesn't have any loop points and songs just go on repeat in the game.

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