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by marcusss at 12:25 AM EDT on May 11, 2017
Hi Guys..

Was wondering if anyone knew this format to play in vgmstream

The game is Knight's Contract for the XB360. I didn't have much luck with the file.

Knight's Contract example .gtd file ~ 5 MB

It is the game's BGM folder with a bunch of other files totalling around 240MB



edited 12:26 AM EDT May 11, 2017
by bxaimc at 8:15 AM EDT on May 11, 2017
Well, it's definitely XMA. shouldn't be too difficult to implement. If bnnm doesn't want it, I'll do it but I don't have direct access to vgmstream's new source so it may take a bit for me.
by marcusss at 10:49 AM EDT on May 11, 2017
Thanks bxaimc. I thought it possibly could be but no program or script i used could get it in a playable order. The beginning ofnthe file is different

Anyway thanks for your help as always


edited 10:53 AM EDT May 11, 2017
by bnnm at 12:58 PM EDT on May 11, 2017
It looks simple enough but I need more examples.
by bxaimc at 2:31 PM EDT on May 11, 2017
Now that I have you here bnnm,


(just the c files)


an update to rsd.c for the xma variants
and support for all of tri-ace's AAC variants including Star Ocean PS3 ATRAC3. Note there are two metas within ta_aac.c such as ta_aac_x360 and ta_aac_ps3.
by bnnm at 3:26 PM EDT on May 11, 2017
No prob, but I see it uses .aac.
I'm not sure how foobar/winamp/etc react to vgmstream trying to play known extensions so maybe I should add an alt (.laac? .aace?).
by bxaimc at 3:53 PM EDT on May 11, 2017
by marcusss at 6:24 PM EDT on May 11, 2017
@ bxaimc Here are 4 example files. 2 for Knights contract and 2 for Islands of Wakfu here

Wakfu I could hardly find any music so possibly could be in the apm files? or just se??

I got the FTP working now stupid me was trying to use my own username and password lol

edited 10:09 PM EDT May 11, 2017
by AnonRunzes at 7:54 PM EDT on May 11, 2017
So, I have this file from that Genji game...

I know anyone is going to complain that "there aren`t enough samples", but it turns out I do have a few PS2 games lying around my HDD that use this kind of paired .XWB/.XWH structure that has been present since Boku to Maou/Okage Shadow King. Or some SCEI game earlier than that.

However, I do plan on splitting an entire .XWB/.XWH file each into an individual .XWB/.XWH pair provided that that same pair comes from a single, big archive with dozens of files. Do keep in mind though that this was before the Microsoft .XWB format even existed around 2002/2003.

EDIT: Here is the splitter I was talking about:
And another sample(different codec this time - came from Boku to Maou/Okage Shadow King):

edited 10:04 PM EDT May 11, 2017
by ChillyBilly at 10:44 PM EDT on May 12, 2017
Once again, I think this thread is appropriate for my latest conundrum: So a while back, I posted a rip of Xanadu Next for the PC, but the music files come in this ",dec" extension that's unplayable for me. So, I'm wondering if these DEC files can be decoded? I checked and saw they contained RIFF headers, so I'm sure they're playable somehow. Got the files right here:

Xanadu Next

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!

edited 2:32 AM EDT May 13, 2017

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