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by Sir-Sabin at 12:44 AM EDT on May 28, 2017
Anyways, any ideas on how to extract these games from the games i uploaded to mega?

Sonic Gems Collection DSP files by furrybob at 1:04 PM EDT on May 28, 2017
There are some audio files in Sonic Gems Collection for the GC that VGMStream won't play correctly.

The files are actually standard Nintendo DSP files, except the header doesn't have the channel count and interleave size in it.

The channel count is 2, and the interleave size is 0x1000 frames for all the DSP files in the game. To get the audio to play correctly in VGMStream, you simply need to add these values to the headers. Change offsets 0x4a and 0xaa to the bytes 0x00021000, to make the files valid, standard DSP files.

With that, what do people think the best method for adding support for VGMStream would be for these files since the interleave information isn't in the headers? Should it even be bothered with?

by bnnm at 2:50 PM EDT on May 28, 2017
@furrybob - I'd say add an IF when 0ch+0 interleave defaulting to 2ch+0x1000 (plus a comment explaining it's for Sonic Gems). Fair game if those DSP were found in the wild.

@AnonRunzes - SS2/ADP support is very patchy thus so easy to break and hard to test, I'd rather not.
by AnonRunzes at 3:01 PM EDT on May 28, 2017
by mariofan12ify at 3:07 PM EDT on May 28, 2017
I've installed the latest version of vgmstream on foobar, but I don't think it works properly. I tried opening the Sonic & Sega All-Stars racing with banjo and kazooie .str files and they were just the same as last time, being either crackly and gross sounding or doesn't play at all. Any reason/help?

edited 3:11 PM EDT May 28, 2017
Sonic Gems Collection DSP files by furrybob at 4:52 PM EDT on May 28, 2017
The problem is 0ch+0 interleave already means 1 channel, no interleave. The alternative would be to check for a second header, and there wouldn't be any way of doing that without misinterpreting valid, but improbable DSP files.

I just did a more thorough look at VGMStream, and if you change the extension to .gcm, it'll play the Sonic Gems Collection audio properly. (init_vgmstream_ngc_dsp_std_int). I can't find anymore information about that other than Bomberman Jetters might use files in that format.
by Sir-Sabin at 6:08 PM EDT on May 28, 2017

Lego games on the gc use gcm to it

Also how do you make foobar take the extensions in windows 10 instead of doing each one at time?
by bxaimc at 10:49 PM EDT on May 28, 2017
The funny thing is that if I remember correctly, a lot of that code was ported over from in_cube when we had that going. (For some of you youngsters, it was the pre-vgmstream project). Of course a lot of it had to be cleaned up because the way I remember it working was as long as the file had an extension that In_cube recognized, it would try to guess how the file should be decoded based on header checks mostly, otherwise then using the ext if it was a unique/headerless file or if there was conflict going on for example in the case of idsp where in_cube had to go back and check the ext to check if it was actually named .gcm or .idsp otherwise naming almost anything .dsp would have worked.

Also, regarding ADS/SS2

That stuff is the pits. I had to deal with a similar issue years ago with a mega man rip where iirc treated the ads files as pcm instead of adpcm. I honesty don't remember if I actually fixed it in the code or not. But, one of the things you can do now is GENH-ify it (GENH didn't exist back then I think or at least it may have been in its alpha stages where it was coded with Visual Basic from the win 2000 era, maybe earlier, can't remember which one manakoDE was using.)

edited 11:07 PM EDT May 28, 2017
by Vector Harbor at 4:48 PM EDT on May 29, 2017
Hi everyone,

I would like to know if the .xwb files from blue dragon were added to vgmstream yet ?

Because i update to the latest version of foobar and same goes for the components but there are still unplayable...

Any ideas ?

edited 4:52 PM EDT May 29, 2017
by marcusss at 11:12 PM EDT on May 29, 2017
I think last time i checked Blue Dragon the music played but that was a while ago.

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