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by marcusss at 3:18 AM EDT on June 4, 2017
That is because it needs the right DSP coefficients to play properly right?

edited 3:19 AM EDT June 4, 2017
by ChillyBilly at 12:00 AM EDT on June 11, 2017
Got a couple more conundrums on my hands:

1. So I looked into the new Wonder Boy game, and found that the arranged tracks come in these ".fish" files. From what little digging I did, it's apparently a new variant of the OGG format. But now I wonder, can these fishies swim in vgmstream? Here's a sample file:

2. I took a gander at the PSN version of Capcom's Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fighting game, and curiously found that the music wouldn't play for me, despite being in .at3 files. I looked at the files with a hex editor and saw they had a "SFH" header in front of the usual RIFF. I tried removing the SFH, but what I got were tracks that start out normal, but immediately turn into a mess of static. So are there any ways to play these, as well? Again, sample:

Thanks in advance to anyone who can look into these!
Issue by Hiccup at 6:51 AM EDT on June 11, 2017
There is an issue with this Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker stream - it can't be played (with the foobar plugin, at least).

edited 6:52 AM EDT June 11, 2017
by Vector Harbor at 9:45 AM EDT on June 11, 2017
Use Uwizard :!w10AQAyC!MyNeOeVPdacHnBPW4slS00waQycvmdCVzIB3Pw227MY

by Ultrafighter at 1:56 PM EDT on June 11, 2017
Hi Bnnm, can you look into this file from MGS4? It just keeps crashing both Foobar2000 & XMPlay at roughly 5:50. Is it fixable? I hope so!
by bnnm at 5:07 PM EDT on June 11, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Redone RWS with PCM/PS-ADPCM/DSP/IMA-ADPCM + block support [many games]
- Added renamed .RWS at3 [Climax PSP games: Silent Hill Origins, Oblivion]
- Added u-Law decoder + ULW meta [Burnout 1 GC]
- Fixed some XBOX XAU
- Fixed MTA2 crash with truncated files

(foobar should be updated later I assume)


RWS notes:
- missing PC/PS2/Wii/GC PCM and GC DSP support (Wii DSP works, but RWS defines codec IDs per platform), and maybe XBOX WMA (supposedly exists). Examples needed, etcetera.
- 2ch PCM is not working correctly yet [Spyro X360]
- looping not working ATM (need better examples)
- not all .RWS contain music; it's a generic RenderWare extension.
- RWS can be divided into segments (cues, like intro+main, or voice1+2+..N) or substreams. Currently it plays all segments and the first substream.
However substreams may play wrong as I only have one example, maybe they are fake multi-ch (Burnout 2).
You can check the "number of streams" the properties dialog btw.

@Ultrafighter - I've fixed it but the file looks truncated, guess it needs a rerip.

Also: could somebody upload a bunch of EA games' SBS+SBR or SNU (not SNS)? (for science)
by AnonRunzes at 5:26 PM EDT on June 11, 2017
"Examples needed, etcetera."
I only have the Gamecube version of Burnout 2, if we`re talking about "missing GC DSP support". Here are the "examples".
by marcusss at 7:50 PM EDT on June 11, 2017
Deleted ! See below..

edited 1:03 PM EDT June 12, 2017
by Sir-Sabin at 11:20 PM EDT on June 11, 2017
Would someone take a Look at TMNT: Turtles In Time RS (XBLA) and sort Fable Pub Games and Poker Smash (If you have have the time )

Link Link
BURNOUT 2 XBOX RWS Music Files by marcusss at 9:34 AM EDT on June 12, 2017
I can actually confirm the music from the XBOX version of Burnout 2 now work :-)

I see what you mean about the tracks as some RWS files I played had 6 streams for example. So we cannot play the other 5 yet right? Or I didn't figure out how to play vgmstream substreams in foobar.

All the stereo and surround versions etc.. add up to ~ 1.6GB !

Here are 3 versions of the Menu music that work.

** Oh! also I was ripping Halo 4 for the XBOX360 and came across some xWMA files which don't play in VGMSTREAM.

...and ripping Singularity for the XBOX360 I came across some .x360audio files. I guess they are a dif type of xma??


Thanks bnnm

edited 11:54 AM EDT June 12, 2017

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