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by bnnm at 2:14 PM EDT on June 20, 2017
The number of samples/time in WMA Pro is manually calculated so it's probably a bug in my code, I'll check.

The header size was wrong because Wwise may look like standard RIFF but instead have weird values all over the place, nothing to worry about.
by marcusss at 7:22 PM EDT on June 20, 2017
Thanks bnnm.

Left4Dead 2 on the x360 uses sound/music with a WAV extension but the header suggests XWV

Eamples include music & SFX etc..


edited 7:25 PM EDT June 20, 2017
by Knurek at 12:24 AM EDT on June 21, 2017

PC\n\Nex Machina (2017-06-20)(Housemarque)

Uses WEM Vorbis, some of files (anything before *2CF) don't seem to play correctly with VGMStream.
Are those just malformed files the developer left in the game?
by Ultrafighter at 2:35 AM EDT on June 21, 2017
Good day Bnnm, I really hope I'm not too bothersome ITT! Anyway there's much less stuff this time, 2 more VGS 5ch tracks & samples of Wwise style container (?) from 3 different platforms. The latter appeared to be so nontrivial that even Alpha23 couldn't rip them... All these examples come from his sets BTW. Actually all those fake WAVs seems to have pretty standard OGG, MP3 or even DSP (?) files in them.
So here is the link.
by bnnm at 2:20 PM EDT on June 21, 2017
@marcusss - Looks like a simple-to-add format using XMA, I'll see.

@Knurek - Wwise has a 'preloading'(?) feature in that they have a, say, 10kb file truncated from another big file, same bytes and all.
This rip looks like was done by finding RIFF and reading the size, so the preloading small files were ripped as big files (IOW, order by size and compare repeated sizes, the data should match up to a point).
Do note that after the preloading file there is more RIFFs so you may miss some songs/SFX down there.

Also note! Wwise RIFF size is often incorrect for normal files too (like 1000 bytes off, or suddenly BE and weird stuff), check the "data" chunk size that is fortunately ok.
Thus RIFF string-cutting doesn't work well for Wwise.

@Ultrafighter - Tintin is not WEM but LyN engine stuff.
I see interleaved OGG, interleaved MP3, DSP (with missing coefs?) and other codec I'm not sure (PCM/ADPCM?).
Doable with some effort. Even better if you can get me samples from other games listed in the above link.
Guitar Hero 2 is the same problem as the last samples.
by Knurek at 2:32 PM EDT on June 21, 2017
So, what's the easiest way of extracting them from datafiles?
I noticed some files with BE strings, think it was Bayo2 or some other Platinum game, so I gotten around that, but the 1000 bytes difference makes me worried I missed something in my previous rips. :\
by bnnm at 3:08 PM EDT on June 21, 2017
Don't all Wwise come from .BNK, that can be extracted with .bms?

Before you panic, IMA/AAC/OGG/PCM don't seem affected (though I can't guarantee).
XMA/XWMA/DSP are a few bytes off (like ~50). And then there are HEVAG WEMs with like 0x014A56FC RIFF size and actual 0x005E6240 data size.

You could double check sets by making some .BMS that compares the "RIFF" and "data" and file sizes and whines if no match after extracting the usual way, and also finds "RIFF" inside to detect preloading WEMs.

If you really need to string-cut, you could also make a BMS that finds RIFFs, then use the "data" size to get the real size, but also checks if there are RIFFs inside it = preloading WEM.
by Knurek at 4:43 PM EDT on June 21, 2017
Nex Machina had an audio.pck file.
Might have been a renamed .BNK, come to think of it, still, I was not aware there was an BMS extractor for them (I just use VGMToolbox's fileripper most of the time).
Will keep that in mind for the next WWise rip I do though, thanks.
by bnnm at 5:06 PM EDT on June 21, 2017
I think there are a bunch of BMS for PCK too, I'm sure I've used some in the past.
I quick search in Xentax and aluigi's page gives several (ex, ex) .
But IIRC the PCK/BNK format changed over the years so you may need to try a few as I had (wrong BMS would extract much less files or 0-sizes vs .PCK filesize).
by bnnm at 4:35 AM EDT on June 25, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)

- Improved PS2 XA30 [Driver: Parallel Lines (PS2)]
- Added PC XA30 + IMA decoder [Driver: Parallel Lines (PC)]
- Added Wii 04SW [Driver: Parallel Lines (Wii)]
- Added .MED RIFF using MS-IMA/PCM [LA Rush, Psi-Ops (PC)]
- Added P3D XMA2 and (disabled) MP3 support [Prototype 1/2 (X360/PS3)]
- Fixed some multichannel DSP RWS [Burnout 2 GC]
- Improved decoding speed for some multichannel files
- (dev) MPEG adjustments
- Fixed ADX type 9 encryption detection and added/veryfied some keys [by Thealexbarney]
- Fixed MDSP last shortblock [by Thealexbarney]


About Driver Parallel Lines's .xa30/.04sw: that ext is the ID, the real ext is .xa. vgmstream accepts both but I suggest renaming to .xa

Prototype PS3 uses interleaved MP3 but it's disabled as I can't figure out what it's doing (hints are welcome):
- Interleaves 2 96kbps mono MP3s
- possibly N full frames (= decoded 1152*N) per channel
- seems it starts with 4 physical frames for ch1 and 4 for ch2 (decode into 3*1152), then I can't follow what's it doing
- some frames are 0xA0 or 0x1C0 though the header says they are 0x120

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