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by marcusss at 12:53 PM EDT on July 3, 2017
Thanks infernus animositas

Yeah gothic.i figured it is xma but I can't get it working when I renamed it and yeah thanks for reminding me about renaming ds3 oggs to wem. I ripped ds3 on xb360 already previously and the wem files work flawlessly but stupid me forgot about that. Sorry been away for a bit ..that old thing gets in the way at times..

Anyway I will upload a few new xbox360 sets over the next few days..

by Ultrafighter at 3:27 PM EDT on July 3, 2017
Hi Bnnm, it's so nice to see you back! Big thanks for adding X360 *.p3d (Prototype 2) & especially *.04sw (Driver: Parallel lines for Wii) formats to VGMstream! Your most recent fixes (some Psi-ops *.med files) work as a charm too but it's to be expected, isn't it?
As for "The adventures of Tintin" for all 3 platforms... well it'd be good to see them implemented one day but it's no big deal to me if they remain unplayable either. I'm not really interested in scores from other games based on the same engine (that "Lyn" one) which can supposedly provide more similar audio samples. Maybe ZombiU or RRR... And still I'm pretty moderately interested even in "The secret of the Unicorn" soundtrack so it can all wait. Actually I'll be pretty glad if just one platform becomes playable (whatever happens to be the easiest to add), that way I can revisit that OST and probably forget about it for quite some time.
BTW X360 presumably used some proprietary containers for XMAs too so that all the tracks from Alpha's XBox rip are transmogrified.

Anyway may I offer your yet another pack of example sounds? They come from Enter the matrix for PC (a bunch of diverse tracks representing all 3 types of audio files used in the game plus a single decoder for them all), Mad dash racing, an exclusive videogame title for original XBox (individual streams were extracted out of initial bigfile with help of custom BMS and seem to be headerless just as those ETM examples) & finally a load of *.wv2 tracks originating from PC port of Slave zero (decodable by ToWAV). It'll be great if you manage to understand the nature of (some of) those codecs and successfully add them to VGMstream! If you ever need more examples just post here and I'll upload them promptly.

Good luck, please continue your awesome work regarding playback of streamed VGM! Cheers!
by bnnm at 4:53 PM EDT on July 5, 2017
Slave zero is possible but ETM is headerless and MDR semi-headerless, so I can't really add them.

Normally I'd point you to GENH+values but I think this is a good time to try a random idea I had a while back.

I call it "TXTH" and is basically a text/command version of GENH that goes in the audio folder. So rather than modifying every file with GENH headers you add a single .txth file and all should play, under some conditions.
I'll do some this and that and post some beta stuff, maybe.
Fable Heroes X360 by marcusss at 8:13 PM EDT on July 5, 2017
Hi bnnm

Using a Fable file extractor I was able to rip all the audio but the xma don't seem to work.The structure looks kinda ok but not working.

The reason I ripped is the current online rip (which works btw) uses only numbers for the track names whereas this rip has a couple extra songs and the tracks are named. e.g. fable_heroes_credits_medley_loop_48khz_final_master.xma

Example XMA

Was wondering if you could add support or it??


edited 8:15 PM EDT July 5, 2017

edited 8:15 PM EDT July 5, 2017
RE :Fable Heroes X360 by marcusss at 12:57 AM EDT on July 7, 2017
bnnm forget about Fable Heroes as it seems the XMA transform script managed to properly extract the xma structure from the slightly messed up xma files I initially extracted.

I will upload it when I get the chance.


FABLE 3 by marcusss at 9:18 PM EDT on July 10, 2017
@ bnnm

In Fable 3 music appears to be XMA but doesn't play when renamed to XMA or when I he edit the junk out

when using the XMA transform script it works but the music does not loop and it should loop as some songs end abruptly or loop or a few secs and then stop.

I found matching headers for all music deep within the game files so hopefuly it helps.

Here are 2 example songs with matching header files.
Cheers !

F3 E.G.


edited 9:19 PM EDT July 10, 2017

edited 9:20 PM EDT July 10, 2017
by kode54 at 12:16 AM EDT on July 11, 2017
I'm hearing reports that my G.722.1 library is broken now. I cannot find any source of relevant BNSF files to test. I had thought there was the PS3 version of Tales of Vesperia, but the archive only has the Xbox360 version, which has XMA.
by bxaimc at 7:33 AM EDT on July 11, 2017
Actually, it's not the library. The frame size for some files is just different from what is set up. There's no real way for detecting the change from file to another. Didn't realize hcs pointed that out sometime ago for korogashi puzzle katamari damacy.

EDIT: My solution was append generic BNSF headers to the korogashi files and manually input the frame sizes along with other infos.

edited 8:52 AM EDT July 11, 2017
by bnnm at 1:32 PM EDT on July 11, 2017
@marcuss - Fable 3 and Heroes can be added, it's a minor variation, but how was it extracted?
If you use that XMA transmogrifier script you will lose loop points, always.

@kode54 - while we are at it the lib works but has some decoding bugs (>>). I tried delving into the lib and the reference code but it's hardcore stuff.

Happens every few bnsf. Ex. in bxaimc's Korogashi Puzzle BNSF check b04_select_LOOP_SHORT_1ch.bnsf (but I have many other examples).

If you decode with the current DLL you get a "click" (a single frame incorrectly decoded) around 12:30.
If you use the old hcs's DLL (based on the reference decoder) you get ok output instead.

Above: current DLL; below: hcs DLL
by bxaimc at 3:16 PM EDT on July 11, 2017
Also, these are not supported either. Someone posted these a while back:


A noticeable thing about them is the flag at 0x14 (16bitBE) which vgmstream assumes is always 0 instead of the 2 found here. Originally documented as a possible codec id but....what else could it be?

That's the minor issue because once you get that bit working (I guess you can change it to 0 for testing purposes or have vgmstream accept the value), it doesn't decode properly.

edited 3:17 PM EDT July 11, 2017

edited 3:18 PM EDT July 11, 2017

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