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by Gedankenschild at 10:30 AM EDT on June 26, 2008
I had no idea in_cube smoothed loop points...
vgmstream being more precise in that area sounds like a serious advantage to me! So much for that "in_cube is better" theory... :)
Looping did indeed sound perfect in every file I heard (that is supposed to loop).
And the others weren't designed for looping anyway, so it's fine.

Thanks for the answers and fixing the mono/stereo confusion thing!
by Franpa at 3:45 AM EDT on June 27, 2008
Revision 247 doesnt register as a plugin in Winamp 5.531.
by hcs at 9:20 AM EDT on June 27, 2008
Did you read the readme, as suggested in the emphasized and underlined text a few posts back? You'll need ogg vorbis dlls in the same directory as winamp.exe, as vgmstream now has looping ogg support. The readme suggests some specifically.

edited 9:21 AM EDT June 27, 2008
by Franpa at 9:57 PM EDT on June 27, 2008
Oh, no i wasnt following the thread.
by hcs at 1:27 AM EDT on June 28, 2008
Or reading the readme, apparently :)
by Franpa at 3:58 AM EDT on June 29, 2008
-_-" well I assumed it was the same as always! just a list of features and stuff.
by -FDM64- at 8:47 PM EDT on July 2, 2008
Recomendation for vgmstream:
Make it so that when you click ok it will change the blank textboxes to 0.00
it'd look something like this (pardon my vb style)

if txtLoopCount.text=""

if txtFadeLength.text=""

if txtFadeDelay.text=""

Reason: Most other programs do it this way. (when it is deleted and left blank, it's changed to 0)
by hcs at 10:38 PM EDT on July 2, 2008
Recommendation to users of vgmstream:
If you want 0, type 0.

edited 10:38 PM EDT July 2, 2008
lol IRC by unknownfile at 10:57 PM EDT on July 2, 2008
[22:34] <hcs>
[22:34] <hcs> latest vgmstream, I've been adding something like two formats a day all week
[22:34] <unknownfile> good to see you're working too
[22:34] <unknownfile> so, what's new
[22:34] <hcs> 3DO suff
[22:34] <hcs> westwood aud
[22:35] <hcs> uh, .wsi (Alone in the Dark Wii)
[22:35] <hcs> bmdx
[22:35] <hcs> some bug fixes
[22:36] <hcs> a few new codings that go along with those
by DChronos at 4:09 PM EDT on July 4, 2008
What's this companion Intel math dll for? The readme says "If you need it". I just got it anyway, because I have no idea what that means. The only guess I have has to do with what processor you got, and I have an intel processor. Other than that, I got nothin'.

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