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by bnnm at 4:53 PM EDT on July 16, 2017
@Knurek - I guess I'll add Siren14 and L/R support to GENH/TXTH next.

@Ultrafighter - .wip if you post a toWav version that decodes them or example wavs I'll check.

If you put the TXTH like this it works for me, winamp at least.
Do note the "." in front of the filename (if you have trouble renaming in Windows, put one dot at the end: ".whatever."). That's merely my preference (makes them first in folder) and could change by popular demand tho.
by Ultrafighter at 12:26 AM EDT on July 17, 2017
I'm sorry if I didn't make myself clear from the start, when I was talking about files decodable by ToWAV I only meant to say this about MX vs ATV: Unleashed. As for Colin McRae DiRT I found those sound specs by method of trial and error in audio editor.
BTW I think it's an appropriate moment to ask about this: has there been any progress in regards to 3-bit IMA samples from Psi-ops? I presume it turned out to be a hard task to implement that triad of files...
Edit: these are my settings, both replay tracks from DiRT sound OK in SF. It appears that general specifications in TXTH for VGMstream are the same but for some reason it just doesn't sound the same. I wonder what it could be...
Oh and I've just checked TXTHs on all Enter the matrix file types and it works perfectly, great work!

edited 12:55 AM EDT July 17, 2017

edited 12:56 AM EDT July 17, 2017
by bxaimc at 12:41 AM EDT on July 17, 2017
@Knurek some are .sss too for the stereo tracks. Unfortunately no loop points since headerless although you could check out the Xbox version since most of the tracks come from there.
by bnnm at 4:26 PM EDT on July 17, 2017
@Ultrafighter - try this .wip TXTH, should work.

3-bit IMA I haven't checked it yet (low priority, right now I'm trying to decipher EALayer3) but probably isn't too hard. It's very unusual so it's hard to find info about it tho.
by Ultrafighter at 3:53 AM EDT on July 18, 2017
Yeah it worked flawlessly this time although both loc_*.WIP sounded a bit too fast with 32KHz (I guess I can make another TXTH for them anyway). Thanks for this version of .wip.txth, it's much appreciated!
See you!

edited 3:55 AM EDT July 18, 2017
by mariofan12ify at 3:03 AM EDT on July 20, 2017
Have we figured out how to get the Super Mario Run files to play yet?
by Fawful at 10:23 PM EDT on July 21, 2017
Are Paper Mario TTYD files not supported yet?
by bxaimc at 3:22 AM EDT on July 22, 2017
Yet? They've been supported from the very beginning of time.
by Fawful at 5:43 AM EDT on July 22, 2017
I have this plugin and the files still say corrupt or unsupported format when I try to play them.
by Infernus Animositas at 6:58 AM EDT on July 22, 2017
It's been updated a lot. Get the latest version and try it out Fawful.


edited 6:58 AM EDT July 22, 2017

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