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by bxaimc at 12:23 PM EDT on July 22, 2017
Have you used vgmstream before? Make sure you also have the external dlls needed for vgmstream to work. Also what is your setup for? Winamp or Foobar2000?
by Ultrafighter at 1:25 PM EDT on July 22, 2017
Hi Bnnm, may I ask you to look into these bink streams? They all originate from Life is strange for X360 and don't play in VGMstream, I had to get back to that ancient method of converting all the tracks with binkconv.exe from RADTools suite.
See you!
by bxaimc at 3:45 PM EDT on July 22, 2017
Chill down a bit with having bnnm look at every piece you throw at him. He's godly and all I get it but please don't overwork him unless he doesn't mind. Coders have lives too ya know ;)

edited 3:53 PM EDT July 22, 2017
by bnnm at 5:36 PM EDT on July 22, 2017
Nah it doesn't bother me, as long as people ask nicely. At worst they go to the to-do pile or are just ignored.
That said I'm putting less time than before so any request will take time, unless it's a quick fix.

@Ultrafighter - FFmpeg doesn't support this .BIK atm, so neither can vgmstream. Post this mysterious binkconv.exe (and maybe bink.exe/binkmix.exe if you have them) and I'll try to see if it's something fixable.
by Knurek at 5:44 PM EDT on July 22, 2017
@bnnm: speaking of things that VGMStream supports only half-assedly, how about taking a look at Vicarious Visions Alchemy streams?
DS sets with hwas files.
(Just do a search on for '(vicarious visions)' and 'DS' system - any set larger than 2 MB should have at least a few).
by Knurek at 5:44 PM EDT on July 22, 2017
@Bxaimc: IIRC Guitar Hero uses 3 OGG files per each song, each with different instrument section.
(Or was that Rock Band? I always mix those two up)

edited 5:45 PM EDT July 22, 2017

edited 12:21 AM EDT July 23, 2017
by bxaimc at 7:43 PM EDT on July 22, 2017
Like hwas in Guitar Hero DS games.
by Ultrafighter at 12:04 AM EDT on July 23, 2017
@Bnnm: here's a link to everything needed to actually convert the files I uploaded and there you can DL complete pack. I hope this helps you solve the problem!
All the best!
by bxaimc at 12:36 AM EDT on July 23, 2017
@Knurek - That's Rock Band
by bnnm at 6:12 PM EDT on July 23, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Added EA BNK support
- Added EA SCHl fixed/old (PATl) support [NHL 97 (PC)]
- Fixed EAXA decoding defects
- Fixed XBOX-int decoding defects [Gauntlet Dark Legacy (Xbox), EA SCHl]
- Improved NDS HWAS [Vicarious Visions NDS games]
- (dev) fixed some EA doc (EA's MicroTalk isn't actually EAXA v1 but a VBR codec)


@Knurek/bxaimc - HWAS is listenable now (needed resetting ADPCM hist every block) but not 100% correct.
Looks like an IMA variation (table?) so even silence deviates a bit. Good enough but could be better.
Note that I removed stereo HWAS as I couldn't find any.

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