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by Kurausukun at 8:40 PM EDT on July 30, 2017
The foobar plugin is currently in an infinite update loop, not sure what's going on there--if I check for updated components, it says there's one available for vgmstream, so I update it, hit apply, restart the program, check again, and it still says the same update is available.
by kode54 at 10:09 PM EDT on July 30, 2017
This should be fixed now.
by Kurausukun at 3:16 AM EDT on July 31, 2017
Wow, that was fast. Thanks a lot, works fine now.
by bnnm at 7:05 PM EDT on August 5, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- (dev) Unified fsb/wwise/ogl Vorbis decoders into a single decoder with subtypes
- (dev) Updated MPEG "interleaved" decoder: now "custom", restructured, added AHX
- Added AHX 0x10 and encryption 0x08 + .AHXKEY [Sonic Adventure 2 (DC), Amagami (PS2)]
- Added Silicon Knights .AUD + SK Vorbis [Eternal Darkness (GC)]
- Added P3D MPEG decoder [Prototype 1/2 (PS3)]
- Added EALayer3 v1 decoder for SCHl [EA games for PS2/Wii/X360/PS3]


EALayer3 turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself, but output is not exact vs EA's decoder yet (nasty PCM block/bit reservoir stuff), good enough tho.

AHX notes:
- can decrypt using .AHXKEY (format like ADXKEYs, 16b*3 start/mult/add), very rare though. Seen in Amagami voices (key 0x5a17509f5bfd). No keystring derivation for now.

EA's SCHl support is mostly complete except:
- missing MicroTalk (FIFA 2001/2002 PS2) --unknown algorithm (similar to Westwood VBR ADPCM?)
- missing ATRAC3plus (MOH Heroes 2 PSP) --maybe will fix later
- missing N64 ADPCM --no real need
- untested EALayer3 MPEG2 mode --sfx?
- non-demuxed movies have wonky audio --could fix, samples needed
- some files could loop or multitracks with .MAP companion files (to be tested)

If you know of unplayable EA SCHl (.MUS/ASF/EAM/SNG/AUD/etc, *not* .SNS/SPS/SNU as that's for another day) now is the time.


@Ultrafighter - you posted some unconvertible Battlefield 2 EALayer3 some time ago. Those convert now, but seem to be truncated (that's why other tools didn't work) so you may need to re-rip.

Note that often EA SCHl songs concatenate many little SCHls. You don't need to split them, they work together just fine.
by kode54 at 12:12 AM EDT on August 6, 2017
by Ultrafighter at 12:20 AM EDT on August 6, 2017
Big thanks for an update Bnnm! Yes Battlefield 2: Modern combat might be reripped now (maybe even without splitting of audio banks at all) probably using Alpha's generic splitter script (I saw a preset for "SCHl" headers there but never actually used it). I don't see real urgency though, of course there're also MP BGM packed in XWBs that require reripping with XWB_split but still... Possibly Mark will rerip it rather soon.
Once again huge thnx for P3D MPEG decoder, I'm really eager to listen to Prototype 1 score now! I got familiar with it a few years ago but I'm still sure it's way better than P2 obscure audio fodder. I hope this revising of Sascha Dikiciyan's work will be good!
by Mygoshi at 5:55 AM EDT on August 6, 2017
Is there any way that The Great Escape for PC & Xbox can be supported by vgmstream ? Apparently (bnnm helped me), it's PS ADPCM with bad flags. Thanks in advance
Also, is there a chance we could remove all the pops and silences from HWAS streams? It's really better, but I can still hear some pops. I know that, when playing DS games that uses HWAS, we can hear very tiny silences, but no pops. So, I'm asking.


edited 6:04 AM EDT August 6, 2017
by AnonRunzes at 8:52 PM EDT on August 6, 2017
So, I have one sample from the PSP version of The Sims 2 Castaway. Since this is related to the "missing ATRAC3plus" case, this is the sample:

If you(bnnm) need more files, let me know.

EDIT: Oh, and on a sidenote if you want to research FSB CELT files, maybe downloading the CELT sourcecode will be useful for research purposes. Here you go:

edited 1:17 PM EDT August 7, 2017
by kode54 at 6:47 PM EDT on August 8, 2017
Noting that the CELT codec was an incomplete, in development codec that changed rapidly until it was folded into the Opus codec. You'd be hard pressed to find the exact bitstream version that FMOD adopted and probably already dropped from their SDK and possibly already replaced with Opus.
by AnonRunzes at 9:41 PM EDT on August 8, 2017
@kode54 - Well, that's no good. Perhaps it should be left unsupported?

edited 9:42 PM EDT August 8, 2017

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