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by bnnm at 6:20 PM EDT on August 14, 2017
I'll upload RDR soon. Btw, vgmstream now shows the internal name if found (for FSB and such formats) in the properties dialog.
by marcusss at 9:19 PM EDT on August 14, 2017
Thanks bnnm

Here are the OGV examples. These were in the StreamingAssets folder for Great Whale Road. Most unity games lately however have them inside resource files and Unity programs have issues extracting them.

Seems to be Theora video and vorbis 2.0.

Foobar or any media player cannot play it other than vlc which plays in silence. Seems to be a variation of vorbis. Would be good if it was supported or the audio could be demuxed as games with opening/endings are using it so rips will be more complete ;)

ogv examples

Ogg demuxing programs wont work. Same for vgmtoolbox etc. Would be great if they were supported ;)


edited 11:31 PM EDT August 14, 2017

edited 11:33 PM EDT August 14, 2017

edited 1:27 AM EDT August 15, 2017
by bnnm at 5:52 AM EDT on August 15, 2017
You can demux them with FFmpeg using this command:
ffmpeg.exe -i name.ogv -vn -acodec copy name.ogg

Actually you can even play them with vgmstream as-is. Rename to something like .logg or .vgmstream (the video part is auto-ignored).

The Ogg is indeed silent, no music at all.
by marcusss at 6:44 AM EDT on August 15, 2017
Thanks for the tip. I don't use FFmpeg normally so I just want the audio in movies..if there ever is any.

Thanks and sorry to bother you

edited 6:46 AM EDT August 15, 2017
by Bonboon228 at 4:37 PM EDT on August 15, 2017
For some reason, even if I have "Loop Forever" Ticked in Vgmstream's settings, it'll fade out...
My version is r1050-628-gc6e2577
by RetroFanatic at 12:04 PM EDT on August 16, 2017
@bnnm - Thanks for the updated vgmstream files. Hmm. Seems it can't loop XA files. I know I've asked about that before, though.
by kode54 at 6:44 PM EDT on August 17, 2017
"Loop Forever" fixed due to forced recompilation of the library and the plugin.

XA cannot loop without performing loop detection on every open, as the files themselves convey zero loop information.
by Ultrafighter at 6:23 AM EDT on August 18, 2017
@Bnnm - "about Life is strange unsupported .bik. can you post a couple of small original, non-demuxed vids?"
Unfortunately neither me nor Marcusss (it was his rip to begin with) have those ATM, this is all I can offer you right now. I guess it's better than nothing because my pack contains all isolated audio from videos which hasn't been demuxed into multitude of mono tracks yet. It's more convenient to grab my package instead of getting full one from here I presume.

edited 6:25 AM EDT August 18, 2017
by bnnm at 5:03 AM EDT on August 20, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Add FSB5 PCMFLOAT + decoder [Anima Gate of Memories (PC)]
- Add BINK multi-stream support
- Add EA SNU + EA-XAS decoder + EA SNS blocks [Dead Space, The Godfather 2 (PC)]
- Fix infinite looping / loop_target stuff
- winamp/foobar: Add subsong splitter + names + config

winamp/foobar now splits sub-streams on the fly (configurable). So "music.fsb" may add "music#1 (name 1)" "music#2 (name 2)".

XMPlay w/ in_vgmstream.dll can't split, nor can detect next/prev track, due to limitations in Winamp's emulation.
And xmp-vgmstream's subsong API is too limited for vgmstream I think.
I tried stuff for XMPlay but other than rotating subsongs when replaying or adding a shortcut I'm not sure what else I could do. orz

EA's XAS is very similar to Metal Gear Solid 4's MTA2, I wonder why?


@Ultrafighter - thanks, got it working for the next release.
by Knurek at 6:25 AM EDT on August 20, 2017
@bnnm: Have you tried contacting xmp-sid author? That plugin has full subsong support, it's possible you could reuse the implementation...

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