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by ChillyBilly at 10:47 PM EDT on August 25, 2017
I've got another little issue with a recent rip of mine.... I recently extracted the music for the Simpsons Wrestling for the PS1, which comes in .vag files. However, the files do not play properly for me.... if I had to describe it, the tracks sort of "echo", I suppose. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone (maybe bnnm, if you're reading this,) can check this out? Got the files right here:

Simpsons Wrestling

Thanks in advance!
by kode54 at 11:13 PM EDT on August 25, 2017
They likely need to be turned into GENH files, since they apparently interleave, and that's quite hard to magically detect properly when dealing with a raw format like that.
by bnnm at 4:04 AM EDT on August 26, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Add FSB5 PCM8 [Anima Gate of Memories (PC)]
- Fix FSB5 subsongs in big offsets [Final Fantasy X HD (PC)]
- Fix some RWS num_samples [Burnout 2 (Xbox)]
- Adjust FSB4 looping so most jingles don't loop
- ffmpeg: Fix BIK v2 header [Life is Strange (X360)]
- ffmpeg: Fix some .CAF [Endless Fables 2] [EDIT: seems they still don't work]


@Ultrafighter - STX are a bit complex, I'll add later.

RWS is stuff of nightmares but I think it's ok now. still missing PCM16 (only seen in Spyro X360), and I believe they should (rarely) loop, though.

@ChillyBilly - those .vag seem similar to those in the Jak series, I think I can fix.

edited 5:11 AM EDT August 26, 2017
by Vector Harbor at 7:43 PM EDT on August 26, 2017
I would like to report that the dsp. file of fire emblem - Path of radiance are no longer playable Is there a way to fix the issue ?

I download these a little while ago and it was fine.[Fire%20Emblem%20-%20Souen%20no%20Kiseki]%20(2005-04-20)(Intelligent%20Systems)(Nintendo).7z

by snakemeat at 12:41 AM EDT on August 27, 2017
Wow, just tested the XWB subsong support. So nice, no more splitting files with questionable accuracy! Thanks!
by marcusss at 12:45 AM EDT on August 27, 2017
Sounds great to have xwb sub song support. No need to split them now hey. maybe one day people might rip the single xwb or just leave it as it is as split xwbs
by Ultrafighter at 1:46 AM EDT on August 27, 2017
@Marcusss: it was like that for years until XWB_Split was introduced, just remember multiple XBLA or original Xbox rips from VGM Archives. Apparently you redid some of them yourself with Bnnm's tool (Kingdom under fire: The crusaders along with Heroes to name a few) but I'm definitely not saying you gotta redo them all once again right now!

And I have to note that actually we've had Xbox ADPCM plugin 0.1.3 (in_xbadpcm) by Luigi Auriemma for quite some time now but of course it's not so useful as vgmstream nowadays as many codecs commonly used in *.xwb banks weren't supported.

BTW I'd like to ask a question regarding Dead space 1 for PS3. So are there identical audio files on PC & PS3? And so it turns out that Alpha23's PC gamerip I linked to wasn't transcoded rip, header manipulated set or something like that, am I correct? Also are there many 8+ channel multi-layered tracks on PS3 and are they all playable as-it-is?

edited 1:53 AM EDT August 27, 2017

edited 1:56 AM EDT August 27, 2017
by marcusss at 8:15 PM EDT on August 27, 2017
No problem Ultrafighter. I remember there were all kinds of issues reviously with XWB extraction.

Dungeonmans, a recent upload of mine has 3 separate xwb music files totalling 500+mb so left the xwb as it was and yes plays fine in vgmstream though 1 or 2 tracks have a strange sample rate (usually due to multiple streams and whatnot)but other than that it is ok.

For my mobile I have to split them though as I use droidsound e to play vgmstream and the most recent version doesnt support this feature yet..the developer has taken a well earned break. Lots of good music i can't play on it currently due to the recent updates which is a pity but will have to stick with my PC in the meantime.

Do you guys listen to vgm on your smartphones also? Is there any program that has the latest vgmstream update integrated into it? Curious. Cheers

Actually the xwb doesnt seem right so I ended up splitting it.. but still have the original xwb

edited 9:57 PM EDT August 27, 2017

edited 10:06 PM EDT August 27, 2017

edited 6:50 PM EDT August 28, 2017

edited 6:51 PM EDT August 28, 2017
by bnnm at 5:51 PM EDT on August 28, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Fix RWS PCM16BE [The Legend of Spyro (X360)]
- Add AWC MP3 [Red Dead Redemption (PS3), GTA5 (PS3)]
- Add AWC PCM/IMA (non-encrypted only) [GTA5 (PC)]
- Fix NGC STM regression [Fire Emblem Path of Radiance (GC)]
- Fix VAG interleave in rare cases [The Simpsons Wrestling (PS)]
- Improve Guitar Hero II weird multi-streams (fix partially by ignoring last stream)

Some RDR MP3 have a slight desync between channels and minor stuff at points, I'm investigating.


Technically xwb_split works much like vgmstream now does (I copy-pasted lots between them), so it's not too bad if you split.
That said the less modyfing and external tools I need the better, which is the motivation for these features.

@Ultrafighter - for once the rip isn't transmogrified. Actually, the PC and PS3 data is exactly the same, except for a few bytes in the header. You need to rename to .exa.snu (original ext) though.
There are a bunch of 4/6/8ch tracks, unsure if they are actually layered.
by AnonRunzes at 3:33 PM EDT on August 31, 2017
So, here I am with another sample:

These .MSB/.MSH files came from EyeToy Play(PS2). I could write a splitter for those, but since vgmstream allows for subsong stuff, I honestly couldn't bother doing any of that. The format itself is similar to these .MIB/.MIH files(what with the extra spacing at the end), the only difference being that .MSB/.MSH allows for more files than .MIB/.MIH in which only one file is allowed.

edited 3:35 PM EDT August 31, 2017

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