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by mariofan12ify at 4:02 AM EDT on September 5, 2017
I heard from a forum post that the files for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle are in .sdf format. Is there a chance of adding that in the next update?
by bnnm at 5:56 AM EDT on September 5, 2017
They are .wem, but are using Wwise Opus (joy) which seems they added this year and it's the main Switch codec.

On a quick glance it looks quite normal, so I think can be added, eventually.
by marcusss at 6:36 AM EDT on September 5, 2017
A game I uploaded recently was opus with ogg extension..not that extension means anything..but played fine in vgmstream. Must be I have coec installed already. I was surprised too with the use of that codec. It is royalty free also right so good for developers

edited 6:38 AM EDT September 5, 2017
by mariofan12ify at 6:49 AM EDT on September 5, 2017
Well I guess we have to wait a bit for these .wem files to be properly supported.
by bnnm at 7:29 AM EDT on September 5, 2017
@marcusss - what game was it? It would be useful for research.

.ogg is a container, so it can contain Vorbis, Opus, even Flac data, or whatever Xiph wants.
Conversely, you can have Vorbis/Opus without .ogg (like .wem does).
by marcusss at 1:22 PM EDT on September 5, 2017
@bnnm : I think it was my recent Desktop Dungeons rip?? that uses Opus.. Have to double check as I am not sure. Will check later and let you know..

Also I just ripped some android games which are using voxpack archives, inside containing lots of (.mpc) musepack music but also contain .vxn files..some kind of packed musepack file which I had to hexedit to strip the header to get to the musepack MSCPK header and save as .mpc to play
Didnt see this vxn file before. It could possibly contain loop info..i can upload the game in question. Music plays fine in vgmstream though. The game I Dungeon Hunter 5. Later I can upload for you.

Android games are.starting to use .mpc (musepack) and I have come across some using Opus in my PC rips ;)

I will upload quite a few android rips in the next couple of days ;)


edited 1:51 PM EDT September 5, 2017

edited 6:49 PM EDT September 5, 2017

edited 6:50 PM EDT September 5, 2017
by marcusss at 1:08 AM EDT on September 6, 2017
@bnnm. Also..I uploaded Dungeon hunter 5 in my folder on joshw if you want to take a look at the mpc music.

edited 1:09 AM EDT September 6, 2017
by Ultrafighter at 1:42 AM EDT on September 6, 2017
Hi Bnnm, do you think something can be done to more than half tracks from this set? I have a few pairs of playable / unplayable (the latter have ! symbol in their names) files here.
I DLed this rip because there're so little compositions in PSN version, I hoped for many more tracks but apparently they're unusable as of now. Or are those currently unsupported files the very same music pieces but in different encoding? Only time can tell!
by bnnm at 5:08 AM EDT on September 6, 2017
.ddsp are "dual dsp" (=2 channels), and for example Boss_Track_1_Cute.ddsp has both channels, while Boss_Track_1_Cute_2!.ddsp has the exact second channel of Boss_Track_1_Cute.ddsp (so it's useless, and incorrectly formed alone by itself).

While Main_Theme_Track.ddsp only has the first channel, so you need to join with Main_Theme_Track_2.ddsp to play (ie. just add its data with a hex editor at the end of Main_Theme_Track.ddsp)

Check the file sizes of those paiss to see if they need to joined or not (double/half = no, equal=yes).
by mariofan12ify at 5:13 AM EDT on September 6, 2017
Do you think the .wem files that use Wwise Opus could be added in the next update?

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