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by Nisto at 3:48 PM EDT on September 8, 2017
Ahh, that more or less explains why I couldn't find it. Thanks.
by marcusss at 8:58 PM EDT on September 12, 2017
Hi bnnm

Another Android game this time is Dungeon Hunter 4 uses MPC again. 95% are playable but some music is packed inside VXN files. Last time I could just strip the junk data at the bginning to get to the MPC music but this time it isn't MPCPK header so perhaps something else but I am no master so would like to seek assistance.

The game does have some WAV too so I thought it might be WAV ut no luck so far as I have no idea where to strip the inital data to.

Can you take a look ?

VXN Example

Also I coun't find the ending but it has some android videos?? . bdae files that are large.

Hopefully there is audio in there !

BDAE vid


edited 9:04 PM EDT September 12, 2017
by bnnm at 10:58 AM EDT on September 15, 2017
That VXN looks like a proper sound format, very similar to RIFF. It contains playable MSADPCM data, but after ~3 secs (~1b194) it looks corrupted. Maybe a bad rip, some custom layout, or a prefetch file.

BDAE I think it's just game data.
by marcusss at 1:10 PM EDT on September 15, 2017
Ahh thanks for taking a look bnnm.

Ah yeah also finally got back to Burnout 2 and noticed a great improvement. Good job. Just gotta figure out the best audio version to keep (PR DD or STereo). I remember when I played the game I would stick with Plain Stereo as sounded cleaner and instruments more separated.

edited 12:21 AM EDT September 16, 2017
by ChillyBilly at 10:33 PM EDT on September 16, 2017
I've been meaning to ask this for a while, but is it possible to add support for the PS1's .DA streams? As far as I can tell, they're no different from .WAV files (especially since they play just fine when renamed as such), and it would certainly save us the trouble of having to rename them every time, heh. If examples are needed, then perhaps my latest rips would suffice....?

And while I'm at it... I asked this before, but is support for the Gamecube game Charinko Hero's .itl files possible, as well? Thanks in advance to anyone who can look into these!
by bnnm at 4:33 AM EDT on September 17, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Fix some SCD with MARK chunk [Lightning Returns X360]
- Fix Ogg leak
- Fix AWC MP3 channel desync in some songs [Red Read Redemption (PS3)]
- Add HCA key detection and key list
- winamp: Fix old bug when seeking past file

vgmstream now auto-detects known HCA keys see list here (mainly from 2ch/HCA Decoder), like it does with ADX. You can still use .hcakey tho.
If you have them HCA keys please post (+ game name) so we can all benefit.


@ChillyBilly - I'll add them later.
by mariofan12ify at 5:00 AM EDT on September 17, 2017
Is there a link to a list of files that are supported? I'd like to have a look before I ask questions in the future.
by bnnm at 7:27 AM EDT on September 17, 2017
The list of accepted extensions is here, also codecs and headers descriptions. Note that several different formats may use the same extension though.
The readme also has descriptions for the supported formats (not complete).
by marcusss at 12:03 PM EDT on September 17, 2017
Hi bnnm

I uploaded Dragon's Blade a few days ago for Android.. Interestingly, they used the XNB format which a few X360 games use..therefore is unplayable. Each song is large like typical music but so far it hasn't been figured out. Can you take a look at this game?



edited 12:19 PM EDT September 17, 2017
by Infernus Animositas at 11:03 AM EDT on September 18, 2017
I can't seem to work out how to make this play correctly in vgmstream. It is PS ADPCM.


This format (klBS) can also have more than one file. Is there a way to easily separate individual tracks from one another?


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