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by hcs at 4:16 PM EDT on July 4, 2008
It's needed because the Vorbis .dlls that I recommend in the readme are generated by an Intel compiler. It contains some optimized math routines. I figured that some people might have it already.
by DChronos at 4:23 PM EDT on July 4, 2008
Alright, I just tried my own genh file with it, so the plugin is working fine. Thanks for the info, and happy 4th!
by SSGotenksUFO at 8:12 PM EDT on July 21, 2008
I have a request. Would it be possible to implement an additional extension to this plugin?

I have access to music files ripped from the arcade version of Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA and they are in .VIG format. I can get these to play with VGMStream if I rename them to .vag, but there are about 300 songs.

Maybe there is a way to batch rename? I dunno.
by hcs at 8:24 PM EDT on July 21, 2008
You can batch rename from the command line, one of the strengths of the DOS prompt for many years:

ren *.vig *.vag

Cool that it works, though. I guess adding the extension wouldn't be a problem, I'll have a new build with it in a bit.
by SSGotenksUFO at 9:22 PM EDT on July 21, 2008
That worked great! :)
You're the man! Thanks.
by hcs at 12:13 AM EDT on July 22, 2008
Oh, well here's the version with .vig support anyway.
Well, not here, on sourceforge.

You may want to peruse the massive changelog to see what has changed since the last sourceforge release over a month ago. We've got manakoAT on board now, many welcomes to him.

edited 12:17 AM EDT July 22, 2008

I made some major improvements to ACM decoding (fixed some stupid mistakes), check out r368 (changelog). Sorry 'bout the screw-up.

edited 1:02 AM EDT July 22, 2008
by SSGotenksUFO at 7:41 AM EDT on July 23, 2008
I don't think the .vig support is working. I still have to rename the files to .vag to get them to play.
Want a translation now? by Bugger at 7:57 AM EDT on July 23, 2008
Itīs a long time ago that I posted...
Time goes by fast, and I see that the project is growing very fast.

So how about a translation of the help and the Copyright thing now?
by hcs at 7:26 PM EDT on July 23, 2008
@SSGotenksUFO: Hmm, that's odd, it seems to work here. The only reasoning I can see is that in_vgmstream isn't actually loaded, and that an old installation of in_cube is actually getting the .vag. See if "vgmstream plugin" appears in your plugins list, if not (and you have in_vgmstream.dll in the Winamp\Plugins directory properly) you may be missing one of the several other .dlls vgmstream now needs, check the readme.txt.
If none of this applies, I don't know what the issue could be. If you're running a vgmstream since r362 .vig should be supported as an alternative extension for VAG.

@Bugger: For the readme.txt, sure, go ahead and translate it. I'll run it by manakoAT and if he approves it'll go in as readme-de.txt (it was a German translation, right?)
For the copyright, though, as it is a legal document I don't think that a translation is appropriate, unless you also happen to be a volunteer lawyer.
by ugetab at 7:45 PM EDT on July 23, 2008
Here's a few suggestions that may help:
1. In the included Readme.txt, look under "--- needed files (for Windows) ---", and make sure to put them in the proper folder on your computer. The plugin probably won't be recognized without these in the proper spots.
2. Remove in_cube.dll from the plugins folder, so you can be sure if vgmstream is working.

Besides that, if you can play the files, but have to manually select that they be visible in the "Open File(s)" dialog box, look around for the 3000 other threads on the internet where the problem is explained in great detail.

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