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by Nisto at 2:31 PM EDT on September 18, 2017
@Infernus Animositas: as for Credits.bnk, you can use these GENH settings:

Header Skip: 0x3E0
Interleave: 0x5C5CA0
Channels: 2
Frequency: 44100

Hope that helps.
by marcusss at 11:37 PM EDT on September 18, 2017
Hi I have 2 games that I really want the music for as supposed to be good but not having luck.

The game Dungeon Hero apparently has 23 nice songs but it has a custom PAK. It runs on Esenthal Engine.

I have included the EXE and other files. I will really appreciate if someone can unpack it.

The other game is Devils and Demons. It is simpler as the archive can be opened and filenames viewed in 7zip but is password protected. I tried so many combos but no luck and inside the exe it mentions "password" but everything I tried doesn't work.



edited 12:31 AM EDT September 19, 2017
by bnnm at 2:28 PM EDT on September 19, 2017
@marcuss - pass is "spu8ayapreKa". Dungeon Hero maybe encrypted?

how to:
strings2.exe DevilsAndDemons.exe > strings.txt
fcrackzip.exe -D -p strings.txt game_data.dnd

edited 2:59 PM EDT September 19, 2017
by marcusss at 8:32 PM EDT on September 19, 2017
Ahh thanks.

I tried the dump proc method I read somewhere but had no luck lol Thanks for your help !

Actually damn the Pass is easily found in the exe. haha I was looking in a different area.

I guess with the 2nd one have to find out what type of PAK file it is hey.

Thanks for your help and the EXEs

Actually I didn't notice the game has a MAC app also and has lots of text and doesn't seem encrypted. Maybe helps with unpacking the PAKs?

Mac unencrypted App

Keeps mentioning OculusSDK 0.4 Maybe I am talking nonesense ;-)

edited 9:12 PM EDT September 19, 2017
by vajuvaju at 3:43 PM EDT on September 20, 2017
Here are full rips of Spider-Man (The Movie) for PS2 and GC if anyone wants to take a crack at them.
by soneek at 10:48 AM EDT on September 21, 2017
Are we able to to add .pos support for AAC audio? At least the type that we've been finding in 3DS and Wii U (potentially Switch) games? Mainly to avoid the step of decoding to WAV ourselves.
by bnnm at 1:03 PM EDT on September 21, 2017
You can make a GENH/TXTH with the FFmpeg codec to play AAC, for now.
by soneek at 6:10 PM EDT on September 21, 2017
GENH works, but I'd prefer TXTH for released sets. Here's what I attempted for my TXTH file.

codec = FFMPEG
channels = 2
sample_rate = 48000
loop_start_sample = 2255055
num_samples = data_size
loop_end_sample = 3940909

It fails when trying to open the original aac file with vgmstream though. I have the txth named as bgm_xy_ajito.aac.txth. Any suggestions?

edited 6:10 PM EDT September 21, 2017

edited 6:11 PM EDT September 21, 2017
by bnnm at 6:28 PM EDT on September 21, 2017
Oh right. There is no bytes-to-samples for FFMPEG or AAC I'm afraid, so num_samples = data_size won't work. But I think it's a bit complex to add quickly, so you'll need to manually fill the num_samples for now.

Also .aac isn't accepted in foobar/winamp (like .wav), you could rename to .laac (or .vgmstream, or any other) as a compromise.
by punk7890-2 at 7:54 AM EDT on September 23, 2017
Does anyone happen to know how to play these files? They appear to be PCM little endian but have a lowish static to them.

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