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by Nisto at 7:42 PM EDT on September 23, 2017
@punk7890-2: Try these GENH settings:

Format: PCM RAW (Little Endian)
Header Skip: 0
Interleave: 0x200
Channels: 2
Frequency: 44100

edited 7:44 PM EDT September 23, 2017
by punk7890-2 at 9:59 PM EDT on September 23, 2017
Thanks! That worked perfect.
by marcusss at 7:32 AM EDT on September 24, 2017
Silly question but tried to access Dungeon Hero PAK file but it is encrypted or unknown as myself and bnnm knows, so tried dumping memory while in-game. SOme sound and music is there in the dumps like End of level etc.. I wanted to ask is there any recommended method for this or program for duping game memory to be ripped by RAvioli/VGMTB etc..?Obviously the dumps will have other stuff besides music but figured I'd try to get some music this way rather than just recording the audio.

Pity I can't grab any of the level music I have been playing it quite a lot recently.

Perhaps the small pieces I found like Level up etc. can be found but the music is in a format not native so cannot be found I guess..

edited 8:15 AM EDT September 24, 2017

edited 8:15 AM EDT September 24, 2017
Dungeon Hero and others by marcusss at 4:35 AM EDT on September 25, 2017
Anyway I chose to disable SE and just record as that way is peasy easy an is the only alternative. If games are encrypted can one upload their ingame rip? I'm guessing no since it is not original data but if it cannot be ripped the usual way?? I almost have all songs from Dungeon Hero I will listen for my own pleasure as it has some nice music, but would like to share :-)

DH - A couple examples

edited 4:46 AM EDT September 25, 2017
by furrybob at 1:20 PM EDT on September 25, 2017
Is it just me, or does the Foobar component since at least version "r1050-670-g165cda2 Sep 16 2017" crash Foobar when adding HCA files to the playlist?
by mariofan12ify at 1:41 PM EDT on September 25, 2017
I noticed in the latest update that the Mario + Rabbids music if playable now. Thanks a lot!
by bnnm at 1:53 PM EDT on September 25, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Fix some XNB [Dragon's Blade (Android)] + .DA [The Great Battle VI (PS)]
- Add Wwise Opus [Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (Switch)]
- Add EA-XMA for EA SNU [Dante's Inferno (X360)]
* only 1/2ch works correctly as multichannel layout need to be investigated
- (dev) Add FFmpeg custom IO callbacks for data transmogrifiers
- Ogg Opus support (renamed to ~.logg or such) [Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth (PC)]
- Add some HCA keys

Note that there is a new DLL (for winamp/xmplay, foobar should include it).

For reasons that escape me, Winamp + in_vgmstream won't play Opus, while Xmplay + in_vgmstream will.
Could you guys test if winamp works for you?


@furrybob - They work in test/winamp/etc, maybe some foobar build issue?

@marcusss - encrypted music may be loaded/decoded in chunks, so probably you won't find much in memory.
You could post your rip in the "streamed VGM distribution" thread I guess.

Some TXTHs, put into file dir:
- Cloudphobia (PC) .AO
- Charinko Hero (GC) .ITL
- Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge (Wii U) .MSF
(these can be added to vgmstream later, but for now this should be adequate)
by marcusss at 2:22 PM EDT on September 25, 2017

A good NDS game I tried ripping with VGMTB but no luck so used some well known hackerish explorers and the game uses Procyron music. The videos ?? use SAD format which works but the rest of the STREAMED folder are tiny SAD files which are SE.

The game has a DATA folder whivh has lots of ".iear" files which some, when opened in HEX editor mention BGM names . They compress very well so most are probably code but I am certain the BGM music has to be in there as it takes up most of the file size.

Can you when you get the chance or someone take a look? The game supposed to have good music??

Sands of Destruction

Particularly 01.iear is 19MB and mentions lots of BGM names e.g.


SWD.pQ..........swdl....pQ.... .........Ø....1..BGM_BATTLE_07.S




edited 2:29 PM EDT September 25, 2017
by mariofan12ify at 7:05 PM EDT on September 25, 2017
I noticed that the Mario + Rabbids files don't loop. Are they supposed to not loop?
by Segtendo at 7:22 PM EDT on September 25, 2017

It's Wwwise, a format that's know to have its files split up into intro, looping section, etc.

Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed had a version of Wwise.

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