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by mariofan12ify at 7:32 PM EDT on September 25, 2017

Ok, fair enough.

Also I nocticed with files such as sdf-B-1014_00000010, at the end of the song, The song just abruptly end with no extra timing to loop it manually. Is that normal?
by bnnm at 1:15 PM EDT on September 26, 2017
Wwise can include looping, and some of the Mario files do have it, like sdf-B-1012_0000001A.wem. Your file doesn't though.

The abrupt ending is a bug, after fixing it the file seems to do full repeat looping.
by mariofan12ify at 12:26 AM EDT on September 27, 2017
Do I just need to redownload the rip to fix it? Because most of the ones I have do that.

edited 7:20 AM EDT September 27, 2017
by bnnm at 12:57 PM EDT on September 27, 2017
It's a bug in vgmstream, so you'll need to wait until I upload the fix, probably next weekend.

@ChillyBilly - Sands of Destruction is sequenced (SWD have instruments in IMA, and SMD code).
by marcusss at 2:37 AM EDT on September 28, 2017
Thanks for taking a look bnnm. Pity the music is sequenced
by ChillyBilly at 11:30 PM EDT on September 28, 2017
Uh.... so, I just updated to the latest version, and I now have the same issue that furrybob mentioned in the previous page: Foobar crashes whenever I try to load HCA files. If anyone can look into this issue, I'd greatly appreciate it....
by kode54 at 8:10 PM EDT on September 29, 2017
Bnnm done goof'd, and only allocated enough sample buffer for the key finder to work with mono files. And then I almost goof'd and released a version that didn't free the now malloc'd buffer on completion.

@bnnm: Did you even test this? I know I should have, but I didn't.
by bnnm at 4:12 AM EDT on September 30, 2017
As I said before, it didn't trigger in test/winamp (GCC) for me, I guess MSVC/foobar stack layout is more sensitive to buf overflows or something.

I actually checked and fixed it for foobar, but was in the middle of other changes and didn't upload. Oh well.

I do test anything I change, with a regression script even, but if it works in test.exe one would assume other plugins too, cut me some slack. :(
by marcusss at 12:03 AM EDT on October 1, 2017
@bnnm. I have 1 question if you or someone else can answer if you don't mind..

I want to add a game to VGMStream using txth but is there a list of supported extensions for txth (the codec field)? .

I want to add A-Law to my txth file. PLays in Audio editor as 16 Bit Stereo A-Law

Example file (7MB)


edited 12:28 AM EDT October 1, 2017

edited 2:21 AM EDT October 1, 2017
by bnnm at 6:18 AM EDT on October 1, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Fix multichannel EA-XMA [Dante's Inferno (X360)]
- Fix Wwise Opus abrupt end
- Fix XWB split bug with certain codecs
- Add .opus [Lego City Undercover (Switch)]
- Disable Winamp unicode until details are sorted out
- Other minor tweaks
- Fix HCA crash bug when testing keys


@marcusss - TXTH info. No a-Law, post some samples and the name of the game and I'll see if I can add it.

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