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by marcusss at 7:04 AM EDT on October 1, 2017
AHh these are from Conquest of Elysium 3 (A-Law) Audio



edited 1:49 AM EDT October 2, 2017
by marcusss at 2:24 AM EDT on October 3, 2017
Hi bnnm, 1 game Siralim has OGGs but of course they abruptly stop at the end since they require loop points. The file included I believe has the loop points as I can see the song names and bits of data but cannot quite work it out. Could you help me in working the out or how to do it as I suck when it comes to loop points.

It has good music like Siralim 2. Old game but still music is good.



edited 2:25 AM EDT October 3, 2017
by punk7890-2 at 3:32 AM EDT on October 6, 2017
Just curious, is there something wrong with the The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning PS2 set? There is a lot of popping, clicking, and abrupt endings to songs.
by bnnm at 9:01 PM EDT on October 6, 2017
@marcusss - didn't see anything, though one of the files loops if renamed to .logg

@punk7890-2 - set is fine. Ends/looping I can fix, but clicks I think it's doing something weird every 0x8000 (28672 samples), tried stuff but not sure what's wrong.
by ChillyBilly at 12:11 AM EDT on October 8, 2017
So, I just posted Chinese Paladin 4 in the joshw thread, but the problem is, I'm unable to play these .smp files. Can these files be made playable somehow? Thanks in advance to anyone who can look into it!
by bnnm at 12:10 PM EDT on October 8, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Tweak XMA1 and Wwise XWMA sample counts, XMA2 looping, XMA1 channels
- Fix MUSC looping [Spyro: A New Beginning (PS2), Ty (PS2)]
- Add AL2 meta + A-law decoder [Conquest of Elysium 3 (PC)]


@ChillyBilly - it's encrypted, use this tool (from here) to the mp3s.
CoE 3 by marcusss at 11:11 PM EDT on October 8, 2017
Thanks for the update.

edited 1:20 AM EDT October 9, 2017
by marcusss at 12:26 PM EDT on October 12, 2017
The recent Dantes Inferno for x360 was uploaded here by someone but most files are unplayable it seems ;(. Some .sng play but most are .snu format and don't play while other use that xb ima 4bit adpcm that has ear bleeding scratching noises. Really interested in this game so maybe it can be supported one day :)

edited 12:27 PM EDT October 12, 2017
by bnnm at 4:16 AM EDT on October 15, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Add .CD wav extension
- Improve BNSF num_samples and cleanup
- Fix some S14/SSS (Korogashi Puzzle Katamari Damacy)
- (ffmpeg) Fix true multichannel XMA [Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Devil May Cry 4 X360]
- Fix BNSF decode glitches


@marcuss - works for me, maybe you have some plugin conflict, none is Xbox IMA.
by Ultrafighter at 5:43 AM EDT on October 16, 2017
Hi Bnnm, big thanks for that long desired true multichannel XMA fix!

May I ask you to inspect these tracks from Hunter: The reckoning: Wayward for PS2 and add support for them if it's possible? They originally had some random extension but played more or less fine after I renamed them to *.mib (a few files included in my pack were played back way faster than needed but it's all manageable, at least the right interleave value was figured out automatically).
I've just checked if there're any SShd, FSB# or even WAV(E)\RIFF strings inside those tracks but alas! Anyway maybe they still have some kind of nonstandard or proprietary header which can be implemented into VGMstream? I hope so!

Bye and all the best!

PS. Maybe that old PS2 exclusive title Primal requires rerip? I checked out Alpha23's rip a week ago and found some help files and even scripts in it. Apparently there were CSTR streams inside a bigfile which he extracted using his generic splitter BMS and manipulated with another script, this time.
I guess addition of support for initial streamed files with original headers wouldn't hurt if someone ever wants to rerip the game. I believe all the sounds were originally that way, even VO or SFX files and even movies were in that huge archive to begin with.

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