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by bnnm at 7:36 AM EDT on October 29, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Add ASTL [Dead Rising PC] (by bxaimc)
- Fix some AWC [Red Dead Redemption PS3]
- Fix some ADP [Omikron: the Nomad Soul]
- Fix XWB WMA, leaks [Prince of Persia 2 Xbox]
- Add/fix SAB+SOB [Worms 4 PC/PS2/Xb]
- Add encrypted BGW ATRAC3 [Final Fantasy XI PC]
- Add extra HCA keys
- Add extra ADX keys and key verifier
- (dev) Code cleanup


@marcusss - I'll try to fix those later, they aren't wwise/wem but WAV with full-interleave MS-ADPCM, detection may be problematic.
by Knurek at 8:07 AM EDT on October 29, 2017
@bnnm: Not trying to be pushy or anything, but do we have an ETA on AT9 support, or is that still ways off?
by marcusss at 8:34 AM EDT on October 29, 2017
Hey bnnm: Thanks for the explanation. No problems. Get to it whenever you can. No rush :-)

by bnnm at 8:40 AM EDT on October 29, 2017
@Knurek - roadmap:
- furrybob publishes the decoder, which I assume will do once he finishes his HCA encoder and gives last touches
- bugtest for a bit, maybe. A new version of at9tool was leaked so could have new stuff furrybob would need to investigate
- depending how it was coded it may need to be adapted to C. I think Durandal wanted to add it to FFmpeg, which would simplify much, but could take a while
- add decoder to vgmstream. Nothing too hard, but depends on the above (FFmpeg = least work)
- add main .AT9 format to vgmstream, easy enough
- add other formats using raw AT9 (FSB, XVAG, etc) for bonus points

So still a while but getting closer...
by Knurek at 3:36 PM EDT on November 3, 2017
This is because the GameCube was processing audio slightly faster than Dolphin was emulating it. In truth, the GameCube's sample rates are not 48,000Hz and 32,000Hz like on the Wii, but ~48,043Hz and ~32,029Hz.

Shouldn't we change stuff for GameCube formats to match the hardware?
by bnnm at 4:32 PM EDT on November 3, 2017
@Knurek - interesting info.
I wonder if some GC drivers don't already take this into account though? Like some games play sfx at 11025, how does that work?

Note that some games don't seem to expect this, I assume play "wrong" in real hardware (like the SNES ovals I guess).
Ex. I compared Killer7 PS2 vs GC, at ~32029Hz the music would desync.
by Knurek at 5:05 PM EDT on November 3, 2017
@bnnm: The article ventures a guess that everything is resampled by hardware to 48 kHz equivalent.
by furrybob at 5:41 PM EDT on November 3, 2017
I've left ATRAC9 alone for the past month while I was working on HCA stuff. I've shifted focus back to ATRAC9 now, so it's only a matter of when I have enough time.

If you're referring to at9tool that was posted here, that version's almost 3 years old. The latest version I have is from last year.
by AnonRunzes at 6:16 PM EDT on November 3, 2017
I have a sample to post. Basically, it's about these unsupported .vs files SquareSoft/SquareEnix used for their games.

Here's the link for those samples.
by marcusss at 3:34 PM EDT on November 4, 2017
Hi bnnm,

I have been trying to rip Transformers Fall of Cybertron on the PC but the FSB4 (Custom MPEG) plays but complete silence. In this case the example file is 6 Channel - named L03A_03_MX_STEALTH_SEWERS_LP_6CH_v1.fsb

Transformers 6 Ch FSB

Any help would be appreciated :P
Hopefully it is not just me


Actually tried more files and all play in silence so far.

Another example..

Example 2


edited 3:48 PM EDT November 4, 2017

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