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by bnnm at 1:50 PM EST on November 5, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Add Ubisoft sb0..N + ss0/ls0..N banks + Ubisoft ADPCM [Ubi PoP trilogy]
- Fix some multichannel MPEG FSB4 [Transformers Fall of Cybertron (PC)]
- Fix some OPUS + looping [Ultra Street Fighter 2, Disgaea 5]

Ubi bank notes:
- .sb0 change per game+platform, meaning support is done case-by-case
- several .sb0 may use the same .ss0, don't rename the .ss0
- variations: sb0=PC sb1=PS2 sb2=Xbox sb3=GC sb4=PSP sb5=PSP sb6=PS3 sb7=Wii
- .sb0 can be empty (no sound data inside)
- .sb0 has a "multilayer" feature that combines small subsongs to make a looping/fading song, I don't know if the .sb0 has info to play them in order (you can play the layers seamlessly tho)
- has a sibling .sm0 map format (Splinter Cell)
- has a cousin .spk/sbao format (Assassin's Creed, PoP Forgotten Sands)
- has a parent .apm/.bnk format (Rayman 2, Tonic Trouble)
- Internally seem their "DARE engine" / "UbiSound_Driver" plays both sb0/sm0 but games only use either one
- UbiSndDec plays raw .ss0 by trying to autodetect, while vgmstream uses the .sb0 header


@AnonRunzes - I'll add it to the pile, or do you need a .txth meanwhile?
by AnonRunzes at 1:54 PM EST on November 5, 2017
@bnnm - No, I'll wait until the .vs format is supported on vgmstream. They don't really look like something you'd ".txth" out of.
by marcusss at 6:29 AM EST on November 6, 2017
Thanks for the upadte bnnm I will try to finish my rip of Transformers.
by marcusss at 3:35 PM EST on November 6, 2017
Hi again bnnm. I found another XWB type. It has header XWNB which we have seen before I believe, but being an iOS game this won't play.

From the Game ~ Oddworld: Strangers Wrath

Anyway here are a couple samples


I can see the vorbis header inside @ 22050Hz.

The vorbis don't loop so I could just strip the XWB header leaving the OggS, but I guess we should keep the original structure intact hey :D

I'm sure you have lots on your to-do list so anytime is fine


Also I noticed some Apple .caf files have lpcm. I'm guessing linear PCM in them... Albeit small in size interesting though. Maybe more will use for music next?

LPCM example

Of course as with quite a few .caf files they play with VLC ( as in this case it is 8 bit 22100Hz Mono) but not vgmstream...except for the standard ones using AAC and some others which sound great in vgmstream


edited 11:46 PM EST November 6, 2017
by Knurek at 5:32 PM EST on November 6, 2017
@bnnm: There are three(?) PSP games using that Ubi format (Open Season, Splinter Cell Essentials and Star Wars: Lethal Alliance), but I'm only seeing SS4/5 and LS4/5 files there, neither of which seems to be playable.
For now I'll stick with my crappy GENH rips, since those seem to play something at least, but I'm open to upgrading to proper rips if you or anyone else provide them.
by AnonRunzes at 6:54 PM EST on November 6, 2017
@Krunek - Just to be sure, you should always provide untouched files. I learned this the hard way after that one vgmstream update in which it was actually possible to play an entire archive containing nothing but streamed sounds(basically subsong support). Not to mention that the vgmstream coding process won't go on without them.
by bnnm at 1:50 PM EST on November 7, 2017
@marcusss - fascinating hack, as Ogg is not officially supported by XWB.
There is a bug with vgmstream/FFmpeg that prevents some .caf to play, I'll see.

@Knurek - most Ubi games between 2000~2008 (and then some like Splinter Cell 3DS) use either sb0+ss0 or sm0+ss0 (or sb1/2/etc), the header being in the sb0/sm0. sm0 is not added yet, probably later.

I added it as I wanted to listed to some Prince of Persias but as usual I welcome samples (I'll upload a few games myself later), the format changes with every game+platform though (annoying but just a few lines).

sb0/sm0 often include many sfx, so I guess rips won't be very clean. ss0 is raw data but sometimes you may extract Ogg or AT3, or one could manually split + GENH instead.
by marcusss at 2:18 PM EST on November 7, 2017
@bnnm - Thanks for looking into it.

With Transformers (Thanks for adding support BTW), some tracks have a slight sound effect as they pause 1 sec just before/when they loop. It is a little odd as it seems to happem with the 6 channel tracks not the 2 channel ones. Anyway I'm sure it will up on the server when Knurek adds it so no rush.

* With Oddworld yes pretty weird indeed.



edited 2:22 PM EST November 7, 2017
by CyberMario at 4:30 PM EST on November 8, 2017
My group of devs and I are trying to get the IKEMEN fighting engine to work with in_vgmstream properly.

We know it works with IKEMEN because in_cube works flawlessly. However, using all the required dlls brings us an error message that reads:

The procedure entry points vorbis_synthesis_idheader could not be located in the dynamic link library [location of libvorbisfile.dll].

Now, if I use the libvorbis.dll that was linked in the readme from r1040, it works fine. Is there a reason why this happens? Is there an easier fix for this?
by kode54 at 11:25 PM EST on November 9, 2017
Where did you get your required DLL files package? The latest should be in my Github repository, or in a stand-alone package:

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