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by Knurek at 4:29 PM EST on November 10, 2017
@bnnm: Is the HE-VAG support complete? I'm getting a lot of noise in some of the files. Might be caused by the fact that all of them seem to be mono, with VGMStream dialog stating they use interleave.
LMK if you need samples.
by kode54 at 11:39 PM EST on November 11, 2017
Whoops, I just updated the VGMStream Win32 deps pack, it still had an old libvorbis.dll.
by Ultrafighter at 2:53 AM EST on November 12, 2017
Hello Bnnm, I've got some interesting samples from a PC game and I'd be happy if you dedicated a bit of your time to inspecting those.
That title (Iron man: The game based on '08 film) used mostly headerless PCM for its sounds & BGM but a few files are pretty different (for example those 2 mu_int*.the ones which I provided in the above package) and I have suspicions they might be interleaved with orchestra in one layer and guitars in another one.
OGGs which you can find in my pack aren't only transcoded, they even come from PS2 instead but I'm almost sure they're the very same tracks I can't get to play on PC. Just compare their beginnings and you'll probably agree to me.
So if you think that these pesky *.THE files can be demuxed (into a pair of stereo streams I guess) or split with a script or made readily playable with .TXTH please let me know. I'm looking forward to hearing just any news!
by bnnm at 6:00 AM EST on November 12, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Add GENH/TXTH AC3 (.lac3) for bytes_to_samples [Burnout (PS2)]
- Add XWB OGG [Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (iOS/Android)]
- Fix some HEVAG
- Fix some Ubi SB [Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (Xbox)]
- Remove raw SS3/SS7 meta as it was inaccurate and ubi_sb supports it
- (dev) GENH/code cleanup
- (dev) Winamp/test/xmplay now compiled with GCC 7

NOTE: several DLL have changed names, for Winamp and co delete old + copy new


@marcusss - Transformers FSB have silence because the data is truncated (ex. l03a_03_mx_stealth_sewers_lp_6ch_v1 should be size 0x60ebe0 but is 0x60db18). I think you may need to rerip with some other tool, assuming it came from an archive.

@Knurek - dumb regression, should be ok now.

@Ultrafighter - there are two interleaved layers, demux every 0x9000 to get 2 files. Then you can play those with 32000hz, 2ch, PCM16LE, interleave 0x02. TXTH can't play layers ATM tho.
by Ultrafighter at 9:13 AM EST on November 13, 2017
Well thanks for this heads-up, I'll keep it in mind and try to deinterleave them somehow. I just hope it can be done automatically, for example with a BMS script like this one.
by Knurek at 12:25 PM EST on November 13, 2017
@bnnm: Thanks for fixing the HE-VAGs.
Since AT9 decoding is right around the corner, I took the liberty to upload a bunch of unplayable VITA sets (in the zzz_unplayable folder).
A mix of WWise (both WEMs and PCKs), FSB, and whatever NekoBuro and Rayman Legends use
by AnonRunzes at 12:37 PM EST on November 13, 2017
You can try to deinterleave these files through this script as well:

I actually wrote this script in response to AlphaTwentyThree's new deinterleaving script which had one too many errors for my taste.
by Ultrafighter at 1:19 PM EST on November 14, 2017
@AnonRunzes: Hi, I'm really thankful for the script as it's way easier to use & tweak than Timo's one! It worked as a charm on all files of that kind including both above samples.
Till next time!
by CyberMario at 9:23 PM EST on November 14, 2017
I can't believe my weeklong crash course of understanding plugins and dlls was solved by a simple fix. Going to try it out.

[There was a long post here about just using r1040 dlls. It's been deleted now since I realize that there is a page 147]

edited 9:30 PM EST November 14, 2017
by Ultrafighter at 3:51 AM EST on November 17, 2017
Hi Bnnm, I've got one question about "Prince of Persia - The two thrones": is its BGM just so horrendously segmented as ingame tracks in Sands of time or Warrior within for PC? I'm moderately interested in this score but having most (all) compositions split into 3-4 sec. pieces doesn't excite me a little bit. In that case I might choose trilogy OST instead although it's gotta be incomplete as hell.

Also may you look into MK PSV port? I'd really like to listen to this soundtrack sooner or later so that I'd highly appreciate any kind of support for those nasty FSB5s!

All the best!

edited 3:54 AM EST November 17, 2017

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