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by bnnm at 1:48 PM EST on December 4, 2017
@AnonRunzes - those .res (from some Battlefield game I presume) are EA-XMA 2ch, seem to work ok. Note that other .RES may contain a big .SNR inside (header+data) but some may crash due to stuff I need to rethink.

@kode54 - mp3/ogg/etc extension are commented (formats.c) to avoid that, I'll do the same with .mpc. Note that MPC is used inside vxn.
I never heard of musepack before so I didn't know foobar had support or even tags.

If its used in game music it's worth having IMO, even if it doesn't do looping. As one could use vgmstream with test.exe or other winamp-derived players without native musepack/mp3/whatever support I think it's good to have them around.
Maybe in the future I'll add some option to get the 'filtered' or full extension list, allowing the plugin to decide.
by punk7890-2 at 4:51 PM EST on December 4, 2017
Is there a way to play the .res from Battlefield Bad Company 2 PS3 version? Here are some examples.
by bnnm at 6:51 PM EST on December 4, 2017
Those pack several .sns, but the offsets would be in another file, unless found you'd need to manually edit every .res.

Ex. you can get something playable if you find the start (looks like 0000xxxx 0000xxxx, second usually 00000900) and remove the part before that. Then rename to .sns, use my .snr generator script (try 1ch/2ch, Ealayer3 v2), but some parts won't play ok.
by marcusss at 10:07 PM EST on December 4, 2017
About the mpc, even a few mobile games had packed mpc also which songs usually don't do. I remember from some rips, some mpc files were packed with multiple mpc files.

Although not all vxn work as I guess some are different formats besides mpc inside but most DO work which is great.

edited 10:08 PM EST December 4, 2017

edited 4:17 AM EST December 5, 2017
by isbndcaw at 2:01 PM EST on December 6, 2017
some mobile games .SNR contain sns and snr

edited 2:05 PM EST December 6, 2017

edited 2:27 PM EST December 6, 2017

edited 2:28 PM EST December 6, 2017
by kode54 at 9:19 PM EST on December 6, 2017
Incidentally, you can try implementing a single instance of the newer file type registration class. You just need to report how many extensions/types it will register, then programmatically generate the singular/plural file type description for each extension. The newer version takes extensions instead of file name masks. I may look into it as well.
VXN support by Alpha23 at 4:22 PM EST on December 7, 2017
Thanks for the long overdue vxn support guys! This really made my day! :)
I just found some files that are unplayable. They use some PCM variant that I've never seen before. Maybe somebody can look into this:
Thanks a lot in advance!
by ChillyBilly at 11:13 PM EST on December 8, 2017
I posted this in the joshw thread, but I'm unable to play the files for Elevator Action Deluxe. Is there way to make them play as-is, or do they need the GENH/TXTH treatment? Thanks in advance for any assistance!
by bnnm at 7:43 PM EST on December 9, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Fix some SNR/SB0/RAKI/VXN
- Add TXTH "half_size" interleave + SDF/BD3 exts
- Add VAGp .vig [MX vs. ATV Untamed (PS2)]
- Fix some VAWX multichannel files
- (dev) remove byte_interleave and use a custom codec
- (dev) various code changes for clarity


@marcuss - unplayable vxn I saw looked incorrect (bad sizes etc), maybe try to rerip?

@ChillyBilly - latest vgmstream + Elevator Action Deluxe, Gummy Bears Mini Golf

@kode54 - If you mean automating the foo_filetypes list I hope you can take a look. I tried before but couldn't figure out how.
by kode54 at 8:49 PM EST on December 9, 2017
@bnnm: Done.

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