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by bnnm at 8:09 PM EST on December 23, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Fix EA-XMA in .SPS
- Fix some EA SCHl num_samples not properly parsed [Need for Speed 2 (PS)]
- Fix demuxed EA SCHl/SHEN and 1SNh/SEAD videos
- Add EA 1SNh mu-Law (Saturn videos) and fix some IMA

Question: a Linux user commented about renaming test.exe to something more appropriate (vgmstreamdec, vgmstream-cli or the likes) as 'test' is already a Linux command (plus a butt-ugly name may I add).
Though the art of The Command Line is probably long lost to most users I wonder if anybody has thoughts/objections.


@Ultrafighter - those SBR also look a bit off I'm afraid, I see sound data but chunk sizes are wrong. Could be a bad rip (try another tool?), compressed, or maybe a weird super-block format?
Freekstyle videos I'll take a look later, no need to post.

@AnonRunzes - if you mean if it's technically possible to play 'playlist' subfiles in the vgmstream, not (generally) ATM but possibly later.
by bxaimc at 1:28 AM EST on December 24, 2017
I like vgmstream-cli
by Ultrafighter at 7:39 AM EST on December 24, 2017
@Bnnm - I used wxPirs on XBLA dump and thought that all will be fine, I don't remember ever using any other tool of those rare Live arcade VGs I ripped. I guess I might look for an alternative if there's actually such a possibility that extraction went wrong somehow.
Also why don't these tracks play? I`ve just updated plugin and this set is still entirely unplayable... Can something be done about it?

edited 7:40 AM EST December 24, 2017

edited 7:42 AM EST December 24, 2017
by bnnm at 10:26 AM EST on December 24, 2017
Those BCWAV use an interleaved variation, will have to be added.

I use wxPirs-1.1 too so I guess the file is just weird. Here is the PS3 version reripped instead.
by bxaimc at 10:39 AM EST on December 24, 2017
I noticed wxpirs can mess up some extractions from those live files from xbla from time to time. There were times that I had to unpack it by hand. I haven’t figured out why this happens.
by Ultrafighter at 11:35 AM EST on December 24, 2017
Hey Bnnm, I owe you one for NHL Arcade as I didn't expect it to be dealt with this fast! I suppose that ripping another version is not so important now especially when it proves to be much more difficult.
by Sir-Sabin at 9:04 PM EST on December 24, 2017
can you take a look at these files from rpg maker MV?

they look like ogg but won't play as ogg


edited 9:05 PM EST December 24, 2017
by soneek at 12:19 AM EST on December 27, 2017
Added support for the KTSS files in Yo-kai Sangokushi and that Attack on Titan 3DS game.

Added support for the Ogg Vorbis version of tri-Ace AAC.

Changes on Github
by Nisto at 11:14 AM EST on December 27, 2017
@bnnm/kode54: I know the latest foobar2000 SDK isn't available yet, so it's probably hard to say, but do you see a possibility of updating vgmstream (et al) to support decoder prioritization that's available in the latest foobar2000 beta? I've been waiting for something like this to come along, so I'm pretty excited about it personally.
by bnnm at 2:04 PM EST on December 27, 2017
@Sir-Sabin - I think those can be added later.

@Nisto - I find foobar's SDK a bit too confusing (C++ isn't my thing) so hopefully kode54 can take a look.
I've been thinking of adding an option in the config dialog so you could enable extra extensions, since it would be more flexible and would help Winamp and other plugins, could work in tandem with file priorization.

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