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by bnnm at 6:17 AM EST on January 14, 2018
@bxaimc - Apparently 100% legal, "Ogg Vorbis (mode 3+)". If .ogg'd, players/vgmstream choke with some tracks as it needs num_samples from the RIFF. foobar already plays as .wav, I'll add the .lwav.
EDIT: actually those .ogg and RIFF are buggy and need some extra this and that, good job Soundforge.

@Ultrafighter - TXTH is correct, I guess the video or demuxer has one channel per stream. They sound fine for me (test.exe), can you point sections that sound off? XBOX/IMA codecs have a bug where one sample is off (I'll fix someday) but rarely matters.
If you have problems with VGMToolbox try a prev version too, the latest one had a bug that would generate loads of tiny demuxed files.

edited 7:03 PM EST January 14, 2018
by marcusss at 9:01 AM EST on January 14, 2018
Hi bnnm,

Here are some files I can't get working from the VITA game Soldner X2 Final Prototype.

The music is in .SQS format

HERE are some samples


by bxaimc at 12:37 PM EST on January 14, 2018
Looks 'cryptd
by Ultrafighter at 12:43 PM EST on January 14, 2018
@Bnnm - It's weird but decoding tracks to WAV with test.exe actually got rid of all that high reverb & slight hissing which I got playing those *.ra files in XMPlay! I got those sound glitches from the very start of every single file I posted but now they're gone... from those PCM dumps at least.
Thnx for assistance! Till next time!

edited 12:44 PM EST January 14, 2018
by marcusss at 5:21 PM EST on January 14, 2018
@bxaimc : I was hoping it wasn't but yeah they do look like they are. I will just upload the folder into the zzz folder later.

by soneek at 8:01 PM EST on January 15, 2018
Submitted a pull request with looping support for the Valhalla Knights 3 files, and also for the KTSS version found in Fire Emblem Warriors.

edited 10:43 PM EST January 15, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 4:06 AM EST on January 16, 2018
Hello Bnnm, do these XMAs look like legit ones to you or (quite probably) unpacking process went wrong? I used Syndicate PC script (included in my package) on Streamed_*.xwc bigfiles (one of those is present in my archive too) from X360 ver. of "The chronicles of Riddick - Assault on Dark Athena" and it gives no guarantee BMS worked properly but what if it did the job right? If it's so I'd really like to see such *.xma streams supported by VGMstream.
by Vector Harbor at 2:31 PM EST on January 17, 2018
Hi, i would to report some issues about the latest update of vgmstream.

I set the music to loop forever but it only loop for once and there's cut every 5 seconds...i try to reset all the setting but it doesn't it normal ?
by bxaimc at 3:36 PM EST on January 17, 2018
-What’s your vgmstream version (I know you said latest but what’s the version it’s reporting)?
-foobar or Winamp?
-screenshot of settings, maybe?

edited 3:37 PM EST January 17, 2018
by Vector Harbor at 3:43 PM EST on January 17, 2018
I'm using foobar (vgmstream plugin r1040-25-gf6367fb) and here what it says :

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