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by Mygoshi at 4:21 PM EST on January 17, 2018
Oui bah c'est un soucis avec le fichier, pas avec vgmstream.
by bxaimc at 4:52 PM EST on January 17, 2018
Holy crap r1040-25-gf6367fb is from almost 3 years ago. That’s not the latest.
by Vector Harbor at 4:57 PM EST on January 17, 2018
Weird...because i use to update this component....
by bxaimc at 4:59 PM EST on January 17, 2018
by punk7890-2 at 1:36 AM EST on January 18, 2018
I came across what appears to be a oddly interleaved SS2 audio file from a video that always plays with static, no matter the settings I use. Any possible ideas on how to play it properly? I've included the original video as well.
by Nisto at 10:17 AM EST on January 18, 2018
@punk7890-2: are you sure that file is extracted properly? I see 0xFFA00000 around every 4077-ish byte or so (it varies), and removing those bytes seems to fix it. Here is a Python script that'll do it (I can't guarantee it won't delete occurrences that are supposed to be there, it was just for testing really).
by punk7890-2 at 7:06 PM EST on January 18, 2018
Thanks, Nisto. That appeared to work fine. Yeah it was definitely extracted wrong with VGMToolBox.

EDIT: I've ran into another weird case. This time I found some ADXs that do not play for some reason. Are these encrypted or something?

Unplayable ADXs.

edited 8:51 PM EST January 18, 2018
by bxaimc at 10:07 PM EST on January 18, 2018
Where are they from?
by punk7890-2 at 10:59 PM EST on January 18, 2018
A PlayStation 2 game called "Shounen Onmyouji - Tsubasa yo Ima, Sora e Kaere"
by furrybob at 11:50 PM EST on January 18, 2018
They're encrypted with a key that's not in vgmstream yet:

Seed - 55d9
Multiplier - 46d3
Increment - 5b01

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