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by bnnm at 6:37 PM EST on January 22, 2018
@Ultrafighter - those IPUs I think are video only, too small and no PCM or PS-ADPCM I could see, and I don't think the format would accept other codecs.

EAS.TGQ demuxes fine (endian config 0) but don't play in vgmstream due to a bug I'll next time. Amazing how many corner cases those EA formats have, damn jerks.
by Ultrafighter at 7:03 PM EST on January 22, 2018
Thanks for replying so soon! Alright then, I'll simply upload my SBK set with that currently unplayable track in it and tag it as "support coming" or something.
So long!
by bxaimc at 8:33 PM EST on January 22, 2018
I think IPUs have a separate IPS file for sound if it’s external. I think Xenosaga has this setup too.

edited 8:34 PM EST January 22, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 9:41 PM EST on January 22, 2018
There's something familiar about those IPS files, maybe I've encountered them too in Smackdown! Just bring it (or maybe also Here comes the pain). My curiosity begins to grow, it's possible I'll recheck both VGs if only to know that their IPUs are similar to Destruction derby ones...
by Ultrafighter at 2:55 PM EST on January 24, 2018
Good day Bnnm, how are you? As you guessed I'm here with more example files and I hope I'm not too persistent ITT or even borderline embarrassing with all these sound and now movie samples here... As you remember there's never any rush to get those streams or vids figured out but it'd be great if it's ultimately done.
I'm probably giving too much attention to overly obscure and well-forgotten old games but it's still better to have sets for them in VGM archives, don't you agree? These rips should be done if only for completeness's sake and I believe you'll try and help me make them as complete as possible.

So I started reripping EA Sports Supercross 2000 but this time I wasn't content with just finding some BGM & leaving, I looked for movies and apparently found them judging by file sizes & names. I upped them all here, all 4 presumed videos have "VLC0" codec identifier (if bytes at file start mean this) & I suppose some audio is contained within those WVE files (may repeated "au00" actually suggest that?).
Long story short: I'll appreciate your input on the subject matter and I'm eager to hear about any discoveries you can come up with; good luck in grasping this movie format!

While checking out SFX & VO from Unreal championship I found out that supposedly there's a bug with 8-bit PCM inside single-track XWBs: they play with lots of loud static, sometimes actual sound is barely audible behind the wall of nasty noise. I uploaded all initial banks which give out such an error plus a few 1-stream XWBs & PCM WAVs outputted by UnXWB: it should save you some time searching for specific faulty tracks.
I'm almost sure this isn't too hard to fix in VGMstream, I'm just wondering if it's game-specific or not...

All the best!
by marcusss at 11:30 PM EST on January 24, 2018

I have agame that uses webm for video and inside the container is vorbis (A_VORBIS) but so far have been unable to rip the audio via VGMTB and other means. Is there a way to extract it properly ? When I use AVI demux it copies the vorbis audio but is gibberish and ogg doesn't play..

The audio plays fine as webm in vgmstream but of course I don't want to include the video in the file as well (as it is double the size or so), so hope to only include audio in the gamer release.


by bnnm at 3:11 PM EST on January 25, 2018
@marcusss - use FFmpeg:
ffmpeg.exe -i %%x -vn -acodec copy %%x.webm

@Ultrafighter - XWB PCM8 I'll fix. Videos use EA-XA for audio, I'll see if can be added.
by Ultrafighter at 1:30 AM EST on January 26, 2018
@Bnnm - it's great to hear that WVE vids aren't so mysterious & incomprehensible as I thought! I've encountered twice more movies of this kind in another game so that I can post even more samples if needed, they don't simply have the same extension but also look similar in hex.

Edit: An SS2 track played with audio glitches in VGMstream for both FB2K & XMPlay but perfectly fine in Cube Media Player 2 (!). I included original PSS movie too in case it's demuxing bug.

edited 4:43 AM EST January 26, 2018
by bxaimc at 2:46 AM EST on January 27, 2018
@bnnm, ok SitRep. Final Fantasy XV uses multiple codecs. ATRAC9 for songs from other games with a “sabf” magic coating, no RIFF. HCA for the main BGM wrapped in a “mabf” coating, HCA header retained and some songs are 6 channel which is always a plus. Additionally, some of the MAB files contain more than 1 HCA stream, so searching for sub songs might be necessary like in SCD. I’ll upload samples later.

EDIT: here they are: FFXVOrbisSAB-MAB.7z

edited 3:20 AM EST January 27, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 9:42 AM EST on January 27, 2018
Hi Bnnm, there's quite a problem to report this time. I've just found out that most DC sets with STR files became unplayable, this includes Fighting force 2 & Red dog - Superior firepower, Slave zero and Test drive - Le Mans but surprisingly not Evil dead - Hail to the king which is identified as Yamaha AICA 4-bit ADPCM and plays fine. All 4 sets I mentioned play with lots of static though, can it be fixed in the next update?
Thanks in advance and bye!

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