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by bnnm at 10:40 AM EST on January 27, 2018
@bxaimc - sabf huh, what a coincidence I had it mostly ready. Don't remove SAB/MAB headers even if internal data looks standard though, values (sample rate, loops etc) can be different.

@Ultrafighter - I'll fix them STRs.
More WVE samples always help, but please post the name of the games, I hate working blind.
SS2/ADS can't fix as I can't test until I find bunch of games actually using the format (not transmogrified), it's so patchy and easy to break.
by Nisto at 11:57 AM EST on January 27, 2018
@Ultrafighter: Based on the SShd header, there appears to be some bytes missing (unless it's common that SShd headers mismatch with the actual size?). I demuxed it using a custom Python script and checked how many non-video bytes (non-0x000001Ex streams) were skipped (padding streams, pack headers and system headers), and it seems that even then, the size doesn't add up to the expected SS2 size.

Are you sure the PSS file is extracted properly and not corrupted to begin with?

But you're right, vgmstream kinda should still be able to play it. The problem is that it ends on a boundary that's not a multiple of the interleave block size I think. If you GENH the SS2 file with these settings, it plays just fine:

File Format: PCM RAW (Little Endian)
Header Skip: 0x28
Channels: 2
Frequency: 48000
Interleave: 0x200
by mauzer at 11:58 AM EST on January 27, 2018
Hi folks! About wve videos, there is converter
but works fine only on psx wing commander III, because other audiocodec.
About other games with wve it's:
Road Rash 3D
Road Rash Jailbreak
Nascar thunder 2003, 2002, 2004
Nascar 98, 99, 2000, 2001
Knockout Kings 2001.

Sorry, don't have samples.
by Ultrafighter at 3:20 PM EST on January 27, 2018
@Bnnm: Waiting for return of DreamCast STR support then. I rarely listen to DC sets and the last one was many years ago; I discovered the issue when I decided to try out scores from both Fighting force games and couldn't play a single stream outta JoshW set for sequel.
Here're new samples: 3/8 brand new WVEs from EA Sports Supercross (not Supercross 2000, this installment might actually be called Supercross 2001) and 4/4 XBox stereo IMA streams inside FSBs. The latter played with lots of static but I still managed to check out their contents (converting tracks with towav.exe). Still playback of 1:1 streams in their original containers would be better.

@Nisto: To tell you the truth I don't know if that initial PSS file was extracted properly or not and I cannot guarantee that it did not get corrupted in the process. There're so many possibilities here: my good old Total commander (the build I'm using is more than 4 years old but somehow I haven't thought about updating it yet) might be acting weird without me knowing a thing about it, free DAEMON Tools Lite might have bugs here & there or, most importantly, my main 8 or 9 year old HDD is slowly beginning to fall to pieces. You've completed quite a thorough research but root of the trouble might be elsewhere I'm afraid...
I guess I owe you some recheck as well: should I try extracting that specific movie to another hard drive or maybe even flash one? Do I need to copy this exact PSS with VGMToolBox's ISO Extractor or probably more specialized program like ISO Buster? Your advice regarding this should be most appreciated.

@Mauzer: NASCAR has always been EA's franchise and now I can add both Supercross installments for PSX; maybe Superbike 2000 also uses WVE although PC port utilized TGQ which is demuxable already.

So long guys!
by bnnm at 3:42 AM EST on January 28, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add Switch .nop (by furrybob)
- Add Starbreeze XWC (MPEG/XMA/OGG) [Riddick Dark Athena, Syndicate]
- Add Koei Tecmo ATL3 subfiles [One Piece Pirate Warriors (PS3)]
- Add Nippon Ichi SPS subfiles [ClaDun (PSP)]
- Add Media.Vision ATX subfiles (decrypted) [Shining Blade (PSP)]
- Add HCA key
- Adjust raw XA detection for some DC STR
- Fix SCHl EA-XA v1 mono [Supercross 2000 videos]
- Fix XWB PCM8 [Unreal Championship (Xbox)]
- Fix some FSB IMA [Dead to Rights 2 (Xbox)]
- Fix bitrate for subsongs and add to info
- (dev) more STREAMFILEs for custom IO
- (dev) tweak BGW decryption

SAB/MABs are very similar to SCD (with a dash of AKB) so chances are more codecs will be found.

Subfile stuff is basically a proof of concept/viability test, they shouldn't be different vs extracted files, but it's nice to have as-is.
by mariofan12ify at 4:00 AM EST on January 28, 2018
Is foobar down? Nothing will update on it.
EDIT: Never mind, just had to wait for it to work.

edited 4:18 AM EST January 28, 2018
by bxaimc at 2:13 PM EST on January 28, 2018
@bnnm: you mind checking out Minecraft (PS4) on joshw. Bink Audio variant maybe? Thanks.
by AnonRunzes at 4:20 PM EST on January 28, 2018
by marcusss at 5:13 PM EST on January 28, 2018
Thanks for the update, bnnm and new vgm batch, bxaimc.

There are so many goodies this batch !

Lots of Racing game music too I can see. Will be great


edited 5:14 PM EST January 28, 2018

edited 5:15 PM EST January 28, 2018
by AnonRunzes at 8:46 AM EST on January 29, 2018
so, i decided to write a .bms script that simply "reads" Grandia(PS1/SATURN)'s .IDX/.STZ format. it's not actually useful for anything else yet(you have to use quickbms' debugging feature through the -V parameter if you're executing this one through command-line stuff), so take this with a grain of salt.

edited 8:48 AM EST January 29, 2018

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